
右美托咪定对穴位电刺激产妇分娩镇痛效果的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Labor Analgesia in the Matermal with Transcutaneous Point Electric Stimulation
摘要 目的:探讨右美托咪定对穴位电刺激产妇分娩镇痛效果的影响。方法:100例产妇随机分为右美托咪定联合穴位刺激组(A组)和穴位刺激组(B组)。A组临产后静脉输注右美托咪定,同时经皮神经电刺激合谷、三阴交和足三里穴直至胎儿娩出;B组仅经皮神经电刺激合谷、三阴交和足三里穴。记录两组产妇不同时点VAS和Ramsay评分、产程时间、产后出血量及新生儿Apgar评分,并于临产后(T_0)和宫口开全时(T_1)取静脉血测β-内啡肽(β-EP)、皮质醇(Cor)及促肾上腺素皮质激素(ACTH)浓度。结果:A组各时点VAS评分均明显低于B组,Ramsay评分明显高于B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);A组第二产程时间短于B组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);两组产妇T_0时血β-EP、Cor及ACTH浓度比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与T_0时比较,两组产妇T_1时血β-EP、Cor及ACTH浓度均明显升高,A组产妇T_1时β-EP浓度高于B组,Cor和ACTH浓度低于B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:右美托咪定可提高穴位电刺激产妇的分娩镇痛效果,缩短第二产程,其机制可能与β-EP含量增加及减轻应激反应有关。 Objective: To investigate the effect of Dexmedetomidine on labor analgesia for the matermal with transcutaneous point electric stimulation, Method: A totai of 100 cases were randomly divided into two groups: Dexmedetomidine combined with TENS(Group A) and TENS only(Group B).Intravenous Dexmedetomidine combined with TENS to Hegn, Sanyinjiao, Zusanli points were given in Group A until the fetus was delivered, and TENS to Hegu, Sanyinjiao, Zusanli points only in Group B. VAS/Ramsay scores at different time, Labor time, Volume of postpartum hemorrhage and Apgar score were recorded.Blood samples were taken from both groups at the time of labor@0) and complete cervical dilationu(Tl) to test the concentrations of 13 -endorphin, cortisol and ACTH. Result : The VAS scores of group A at each time were significantly lower than those of group B and the Ramsay scores of group A were significantly higher than those of group B(P〈0.01).The second stage of labor in group A was shorter than that in group B (P〈0.01).There was no significant difference in the volume of postpartum hemorrhage and Apgar score between two groups(P〉 0.05).Compared with To, the concentrations of blood 13 -endorphin, cortisol and ACTH in both groups significantly increased at T^(P〈0.01).The concentration of 13 -endorphin at T~ was significantly higher in group A than that in group B (P 〈0.01). Cortisol and ACTH concentrations were lower than those in group B (P〈0.01).Conelusion: Dexmedetomidine can improve the effect of labor pain on maternals with TENS and shorten the second stage of labor.The mechanism may be associated with the increase of 13 -EP levels and the reduction of stress responses.
出处 《中外医学研究》 2018年第4期1-3,共3页 CHINESE AND FOREIGN MEDICAL RESEARCH
基金 天津市卫计委攻关基金项目(项目编号:16KG112)
关键词 右美托咪定 经皮神经电刺激 分娩镇痛 Dexmedetomidine Electrical nerve stimulation Labor analgesia
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