
charity概念在英国的历史流变及其社会意蕴 被引量:6

The Historical Evolution of the Concept of Charity in Britain and Its Social Significance
摘要 charity是英国历史上表示慈善的最常用词语,但其概念却在社会发展变迁过程中不断发生变化。它从对上帝之爱发展到侧重对邻人之爱,后泛指一切旨在解决社会问题的仁慈行为,到了现代社会其含义变得更日益多元。在这一历史发展过程中,charity不断被赋予新的内涵,其既反映了不同时期慈善主导话语权的变化,更体现了英国社会价值观念的变化,由此引发的慈善评判标准的改变也促进了慈善社会功能的不断增强。而charity理念的发展恰好与近代以来英国商业社会推崇的自由竞争潮流相生相克,慈善无意中悄然成为英国消解商业社会弊病的有效方式。因而,charity树起了英国社会进步的一面正义和友善的旗帜。由此可以说,厘清charity概念的源头流变十分重要,它可为慈善的未来发展提供更加开阔的视野。 ‘Charity’is the word which was most frequently used in the British charitable history.However,its concept has been changing constantly during the progress of the social development.This concept evolved from the love of God to the love of eighbours,afterwards referred to all acts of kindness aiming at solving the social problems.In the modern time,it was increasingly understood diversely.In such historical process,charity was endowed with new connotations persistently,which reflected not only the changings of the dominant discourse of charity,but also the changings of the British social values.Consequently,this triggered the changings of the criterion of charity,promoting the constant strengthening of the social function of charity.The development of the idea of charity was in harmony with the commercial society which emphasized the free competition in Britain in modern times.Charity unwittingly became an effective way for Britain to eliminate the social problems in a commercial society.In this regard,charity raised a banner of justice and kindness which represented the social progress in Britain.The research on the changing of the concept of charity provides a broader perspective on the future development of charity.
作者 周真真
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期35-48,共14页 World History
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目"英国慈善活动发展史研究"(项目编号:16FSS008)的阶段性成果
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  • 1孟德斯鸠.《论法的精神》上册.张雁深译.北京:商务印书馆,1995年,第15、17页.
  • 2Robert Livingston, Speech in New York ratifying convention, June 19, 1788, in Elliot, ed., The Debates of the Several State Conventions, vol.Ⅱ, pp. 209-210.
  • 3Samuel Adams to John Adams, 20 Nov., 1790, in Adams, ed., The Works of John Adams, vol. Ⅵ, p. 421.
  • 4Wise, A Vindication of the Government of New-England Churches, p. 61.
  • 5Elisha Williams, "The Essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants, " in Morgan, ed. , Puritan Political Ideas, p. 272.
  • 6William Paca to the Citizen, February 15, 1787, in Yazawa, ed., Representative Government and the Revolution, p. 61.
  • 7Pittsfield Petition, May 29, 1776, in Oscar and Mary Handlin, eds. , Popular Sources of Political Authority, pp. 90-91.
  • 8Returns of the Towns: Norton, in Oscar and Mary Handlin, eds. , Popular Sources of Political Authority, pp. 124-125.
  • 9Returns of the Towns: Lexington,in Oscar and Mary Handlin, eds. , Popular Sources of Political Authority, pp. 149-151.
  • 10Returns of the Towns: Concord, in Oscar and Mary Handlin, eds. , Popular Sources of Political Authority, pp. 152-153.











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