‘Charity’is the word which was most frequently used in the British charitable history.However,its concept has been changing constantly during the progress of the social development.This concept evolved from the love of God to the love of eighbours,afterwards referred to all acts of kindness aiming at solving the social problems.In the modern time,it was increasingly understood diversely.In such historical process,charity was endowed with new connotations persistently,which reflected not only the changings of the dominant discourse of charity,but also the changings of the British social values.Consequently,this triggered the changings of the criterion of charity,promoting the constant strengthening of the social function of charity.The development of the idea of charity was in harmony with the commercial society which emphasized the free competition in Britain in modern times.Charity unwittingly became an effective way for Britain to eliminate the social problems in a commercial society.In this regard,charity raised a banner of justice and kindness which represented the social progress in Britain.The research on the changing of the concept of charity provides a broader perspective on the future development of charity.
World History