
新出土唐代李宽碑志考论 被引量:7

A Survey of the Newly Excavated Tablet and Epitaph of Li Kuan in the Tang Dynasty
摘要 李宽是唐代开国时期的一位重要人物,他一生经历了隋及唐代的高祖、太宗、高宗三朝,与唐代初期几个重大政治事件有着重要联系。但上千年来,李宽的事迹却湮晦不彰。李宽碑、志的出土不仅可彰显其一生事迹,对唐初历史亦有印证和发覆之效。首先,李宽的家世经历了改姓和赐姓的过程;其次,李宽参与了唐代初期破王世充、平刘黑闼、败吐谷浑、定高昌、克高丽等重大政治事件;再者,李宽碑、志所载的事实具有很高的史料价值,有助于辨补重要典籍;最后,李宽墓碑的撰立也蕴涵着复杂的政治和家族因素。 Li Kuan was a sigaificant figure in the founding period of the Tang Dynasty who went through the Sui Dynasty, as well as Emperors Gaozu, Taizong and Gaozong in the Tang Dynasty. He had important relations with several momentous political events in the early Tang Dynasty. However, his deeds were buried in oblivion for thousands of years. The excavation of Li Kuan's tablet and epitaph demonstrated his life story, confirmed and revealed the history of the Early Tang Dynasty. The rubbing of Li Kuan's tablet was obtained from Mr. Zhang in the Forest of Steles, Xi'an. The rubbing of Li Kuan's epitaph is now collected by the Ancient Rubbings Research and Conservation Center of Zhejiang University. Text and punctuation were arranged based on the rubbings. Firstly, Li Kuan's family went through the process of the surname change and granting. Li Kuan's forefathers were granted surnames by the monarchs twice, and as a result, they finally restored their original surname. It is a special remembrance circumstance of Surname Li in Longxi, which is also a typical case of family vicissitude in ancient China. It was clearly recorded in the tablet and epitaph of Li Kuan's extraction. Bing Qiu, Bing Ming and Li Can were Li Kuan's most important ancestors. Secondly, Li Kuan was a significant figure in the early period of the Tang Dynasty. He participated in the battles with Wang Shiehong, Liu Heita, Tuguhun, Gaochang, Koryo and other momentous political events. These records in the tablet and epitaph could make up the absence and error of handed-down documents. Moreover, the historical facts contained in Li Kuan's tablet and epitaph have high literature values, which help identify major ancient books and records. For example, handed-down documents recorded Li Can as the interested party of P'To ride a horse by the Imperial Palace" event, but Li Kuan's tablet and epitaph recorded it was Li Kuan. Meanwhile, Li Kuan's official experience could help supplement and correct Tang Cishi Kao and Tang Jiuqing Kao. Finally, the writing and building of Li Kuan's tablet and epitaph contained complicated political and familial factors. There was a long time lag between the writing and building of Li Kuan's tablet, along with the difference between titles, narratives and historical facts. It implied some political changing factors from Empress Wu Zetian to Emperor Tang Xuanzong, as well as Li Kuan's family elements. The tablet was written by Liu Yizhi, the Prime Minister of Empress Wu Zetian's court, but it hadn't been built at that time, probably because Liu Yizhi was sentenced to death for offending Empress Wu Zetian. These factors revealed some traces to the writer and building time.
作者 胡可先 徐焕
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期116-133,共18页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB065)
关键词 唐代 李宽之碑 墓志铭 改姓与赐姓 政治事件 家族因素 典籍辨补 the Tang Dynasty epitaph of Li Kuan epitaph and inscription surnamechanging and granting by monarchs political events familial factors identification and supplementary for ancient books and records
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