
吕留良对“止至善”的义理诠释 被引量:2

LüLiuliang's Connotation Explanation of “ZhiZhishan″
摘要 吕留良是明末清初的朱子学者,与同时期的名儒黄宗羲、张履祥都有密切的学术交往,被清廷誉为"本朝理学儒臣第一"的陆陇其则直接受吕留良思想的影响。然而由于"曾静案"的影响,吕留良的著作遭到全面禁毁,其人及其理学思想在历史长河中也逐渐湮没。对吕留良理学思想的挖掘和梳理,有助于今人对明末清初理学思想的发展概貌有更为全面的认识。在其著作《四书讲义》的《大学》中,吕留良对三纲领的内涵进行了重新解读和阐释,将"止至善"置于三纲领的核心地位,既吸收了朱子的"格物致知"思想,又糅合了王阳明的良知本体工夫合一思想,形成了他对"止至善"独特的义理阐释,对明末清初朱子学的复兴和发展产生了深远影响。 Lu Liuliang was a Neo-Confucianist in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. His thoughts have been characterized as "Respecting Zhu Xi's thought and refuting Wang Yangming's thought" (Zun Zhu Pi Wang). Lu Liuliang, Zhang L0xiang and Lu Longqi became the driving force behind the revival of Zhu Xi's philosophy in the early Qing Dynasty. Lti Liuliang lived during the transitional periods of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a period of great political turmoil. Throughout his life, Lu Liuliang adhered to national integrity and righteousness, and deliberately took the adherent identity of Ming Dynasty as his world outlook and lifestyle. It is his acknowledged integrity that sowed the seeds of future trouble. Forty years after his death, a literary inquisition was instituted by Emperor Yongzheng, and one of the famous cases was the Zeng Jing Case. Yong Zheng's unexpected handling of it ultimately brought disaster on Lti Liuliang, and as a result his works were banned by the Qing government. There has been little research on Li~ Liuliang's neo-Confucianism, with extant studies mostly focusing on his biography. This article analyzes Lti Liuliang's neo-Confucianist work, Notes on the Four Books (Sishu Jiangyi ), especially LiJ's exposition on the idea of Striving for Perfection in the Great Learning. In his interpretations of the connotation of Three Guiding Principles, Li~ Liuliang expounded on Zhu Xi's ideas of "Zhi Zhishan" (perfectionism) as the foundation of "Tianli" (justice), stressing that perfectionism was the aim of "Ming Mingde" (manifesting virtue) and "Qinmin" (treating people with affection). Lu Liuliang's interpretation revealed Wang Yangming's influence, especially Wang's idea of "Liangzhi" (conscience), with "Zhishan", and "Tianli", revealing different aspects df a common core. This paper proposes that although Lu Liuliang regarded himself as a scholar of Zhu Xi's Confucianism, and was often regarded as a faithful Zhu Xi's follower, it is open to discussion to what extent his neo-Confucianism strictly adhered to Zhu Xi's, A textual analysis of Lti's discussion of the Three Guiding Principles of the Great Learning shows his compromise of Zhu Xi's and Wang Yangming's ideas. Li Liuliang was a unique Confucian in the late Ming and early Oing Dynasties. His life experiences and thoughts were deeply influenced by the political situation of that time and his philosophy mainly focused on solving the problems of that special period while whether the misunderstanding derived from Zhu Xi's or Wang Yangming's works was not so important. Thus we may conclude that Lu Liuliang might be labeled as a "practical Confucianist"rather than a faithful Zhu Xi's follower.
机构地区 浙江大学哲学系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期222-230,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目(14BZX122)
关键词 吕留良 朱熹 王阳明 止至善 三纲领 朱子学 Lu Liuliang Zhu Xu Wang Yangming Zhi Zhishan Three GuidingPrinciples Zhu Xi's philosophy
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