
北京市人群前列腺癌与性生活频率关系的病例对照研究 被引量:1

Ejection frequency and risks of prostate cancer:a case-control study in a Beijing population
摘要 目的分析北京地区人群不同年龄段性生活频率对前列腺癌发病率的影响情况,并为前列腺癌发病的预防提供依据。方法选取中国人民解放军总医院2016年1月至2017年6月经病理确诊的北京地区居住20年以上的前列腺癌患者134例及135例年龄在50~79岁长期居住于北京市的PSA<4ng/mL、超声检查未发现前列腺外周带结节的肾肿瘤、肾囊肿或泌尿系结石患者作对照,采用问卷、电话访问的方式调查不同年龄段性生活频率、婚姻史、首次射精年龄等情况,应用SPSS19软件对资料进行统计分析。结果不同年龄阶段性生活频率对前列腺癌发病具有不同的影响作用。20岁、30岁及40岁年龄段性生活频率在4次/周以上较其以下的病例组及对照组无显著差异。OR分别为0.93(95%CI:0.57~1.51)、0.78(95%CI:0.48~1.25)和0.91(95%CI:0.54~1.53),P值分别为0.765 1、0.298和0.722 4。而50岁以后的性生活频率的增加对前列腺癌具有一定的保护性作用,大于8次/月的性生活频率者较低于该水平者OR值为0.47(95%CI:0.24~0.92,P<0.05)。结论 50岁后增加性生活频率对前列腺癌发生具有保护性作用。 ObjectiveTo examine the association between the sexual life frequency of different age groups and risks of prostate cancer in a Beijing population.MethodsA total of 134 prostate cancer patients pathologically confirmed during Jan. 2016 and June 2017 who had lived in Beijing for at least 20 years were involved. Another 135 urological patients,with PSA〈4 ng/mL and without prostate nodules,were selected as controls. Questionnaires and telephone interviews were used to investigate the sexual life frequency,marriage history,the first ejection age,and so on. The data collected were analyzed with SPSS19. ResultsThe frequency of sexual life at different ages had different effects on the accidence of prostate cancer. No significant differences were observed in the frequency of sexual life between prostate cancer patients and controls at the age of 20s (OR=0.93,95%CI:0.57~1.51,P=0.7651),30s (OR=0.78,95%CI:0.48~1.25,P=0.289) and 40s (OR=0.91,95%CI:0.54~1.53,P=0.722 4). However,increased frequency of sexual life after 50 years old had a protective effect on prostate cancer; those with sex ≥8/month had less risk of prostate cancer (OR=0.47,95%CI:0.24~0.92,P〈0.05). Conclusion Increased frequency of sexual life after 50 years old has a protective effect on the occurrence of prostate cancer
出处 《现代泌尿外科杂志》 CAS 2018年第2期106-109,共4页 Journal of Modern Urology
关键词 前列腺癌 性生活频率 病例对照 prostate cancer sexual life frequency case-control study
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