为有效减少道路交通事故发生率,最大限度保护驾驶员和乘客,以Arduino Mega 2560单片机为核心,结合HC-SR04超声波测距模块设计了一种汽车并线辅助系统。该系统在运行过程中模拟真实路况,利用超声波原理,当驾驶员开始拨动转向灯杆准备做并线或者超车的动作时,系统启动检测汽车后视镜盲区及相邻车道后方是否有正在行驶的车辆;当超声波测距模块检测到相邻车道后方有行驶的车辆,并且与该车辆的车距小于设定的安全值时,系统启动报警模块,主动对驾驶员发出危险报警,驾驶员根据报警系统的提示以及后视镜的情况判断是否可以安全并线。该系统具有测量精度高、性价比高、改装方便的优点,对汽车安全驾驶有着良好的辅助作用。
In order to effectively reduce the incidence of accidents, and largely protect the driver and passengers, the paper designs a car doubling auxiliary system which takes the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller as core, and combines with HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module. The system is used in simulation of real road conditions. By ultrasonic, when the driver begins doubling boot or overtaking other cars, the system starts to detect if there is a driving vehicle at the adjacent lane by the car's rear view mirror. When the ultrasonic module detects a vehicle iun the adjacent driveway,and the distance is smaller than the pre-set security value, the alarm module is started and sends the hazard warning to the driver. The driver can judge whether to safely double according to the alarm system and mirror. This system has the advantages of high measurement precision, high performance-cost rate and convenient refit. It has a certain auxiliary function for automobile driving safety.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory