
金字塔模型:美国幼儿园社会性情绪教育的多层级模式 被引量:3

Pyramid Model:A Multi-tiered Model for Promoting Young Children's Social,Emotional,and Behavioral Development in U.S.
摘要 金字塔模型是近年来美国学前教育领域盛行的关于幼儿社会性情绪教育的多层级模式,其包含三个层级的教育实践旨在满足不同发展水平幼儿在社会性、情绪和行为发展上的多元化需求。在金字塔模型中,随着层级的提高,教育和干预的强度会逐渐增强。系统培训和深入班级的教练辅导是该模型推动教师在班级实践幼儿社会性情绪教育的两大途径。基于班级观察和教师访谈的《幼儿园教育金字塔模型观察工具》则不仅能测量教师实施金字塔模型的保真度,还能为教师专业化发展提供重要的反馈信息。我国幼儿园应为全园幼儿提供丰富的社会性情绪教育,发挥家长在"促进""预防"和"干预"层级中的重要作用,以积极的方式应对学前儿童的问题行为,倡导基于研究证据的层次递增式教育和干预,同时给予教师专业化支持。 In the United States, one of the most comprehensive multi-tiered frameworks that have been used to identify and organize environmental, interactional, and instructional practices to promote young children's social-emotional competence and to prevent or address challenging behavior is the Pyramid Model. The three tiers of teaching practices associated with the Pyramid Model have the implication for meeting the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all children. Instructional precision and dosage increase as moving up the Pyramid Model tiers. Training and coaching are two forms of professional development in supporting preschool teachers' implementation of the Pyramid Model practices. Based on classroom observation and teacher interview, the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool for Preschool Classrooms (TPOT) is an assessment instrument designed to measure the fidelity of implementation of practices associated with the Pyramid Model, which also can be used for providing coaching to teachers. The Pyramid Model is clearly promising model for: (a) providing all children social-emotional instruction and behavioral supports matched to their level of need; (b) viewing families as essential partners at each tier of the Pyramid Model; (c) addressing challenging behavior of preschool children in a positive way; (d) advocating evidence-based intervention framework in early childhood setting, and (e) utilizing muhicomponent professional development intervention in supporting teachers' use of practices associated with the Pyramid Model.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期35-46,共12页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"我国高素质幼儿园园长队伍建设研究"(编号:16JZD050)
关键词 金字塔模型 社会性和情绪能力 社会性情绪教育 pyramid model, social-emotional competence, social-emotional education
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