微波合成孔径雷达成像应用于无损检测(nondestructive testing,NDT),在检查各种复杂的复合材料和结构中显示出了巨大的用途。传统的微波无损检测成像,需要大量的时间获得数据。为了减少数据采集时间,提高微波无损检测成像系统的效率,论文对压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)理论在微波无损检测成像系统中的应用进行了研究,并与非标准快速傅里叶变换算法(Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform,NUFFT)的微波无损检测成像算法进行了对比。
Microwave synthetic aperture radar(SAR)-based imaging techniques,used for non-destructive testing(NDT),have shown tremendous usefulness for the inspection of a wide variety of complex composite materials and structures. The conventional microwave synthetic aperture radar imaging systems with applications to non-destructive testing requires a great deal of the acquisition time. In order to reduce the acquisition time,the efficiency of microwave non-destructive testing imaging system is improved. In this paper,compressed sensing(CS)for microwave nondestructive testing imaging system is studied and compared withthe NUFFT for microwave NDT imaging.
Ship Electronic Engineering