目的分析Web of Science数据库收录的护理领域职业精神相关文献,梳理研究热点,总结研究发展趋势,为我国开展职业精神研究提供依据。方法以“Web of Science“核心合集”为数据来源,采用主题词检索方法,主题词=(professionalism AND Nurs*),对1997—2016年护理领域职业精神的文献进行检索,借助citespace可视化分析软件展现护理职业精神有关文献的知识图谱。结果1997—2016年护理领域有关职业精神的研究文献共265篇,其中美国发文量最多,占32.94%,其次为英国(8.67%)和澳大利亚(8.30%),中国排名第7位,发文量占总体的3.77%。分析研究热点发现,国外对护理专业职业精神研究较为广泛,其中包括护理教育、护理学生、护理专业、职业发展等多角度的关注。结论国外护理领域职业精神研究主要集中在护理教育方面,我国目前对护理职业精神研究仍处在初步探索阶段,应完善护理教育结构,促进护生职业发展。
Objective To analyze the focuses and advances of professionalism studies in the field of nursing, and to provide reference for Cbina's nursing research. Metbods Papers published from 1997 to 2016 on professionalism in nursing were retrieved from "Web of Science TM core collection" citation database using the strategy of "Mesh= (professionalism AND Nurs*)". The knowledge atlas of the relevant literature of nursing professionalism were displayed by citespace visual analysis software. Results From 1997 to 2016, papers on professionalism in nursing amounted to 265, with the USA having the largest amount of publication of 32.94%, followed by the UK (8.67%) and Australia (8.30%), China was at No.7 on the list, accounting for only 3.77%. It was found that there was a wide range of research on professionalism studies in the field of nursing in foreign countries, including nursing education, nursing student, nursing profession, professional development, etc. Conclusions Nursing professionalism research mainly concentrated in nursing education in foreign, the present research on nursing professional spirit is still in its preliminary exploration phase in China. It should optimize the structure of nursing education and promote the development of nursing students professional.
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing