
微博谣言传播网络研究 被引量:3

A Study of Rumor Spreading on Microblog
摘要 [目的 /意义]研究微博谣言传播的共同特征及其发展规律,可以为相关机构提供决策依据,对微博谣言的治理与干预程序化、常态化有重要意义。[方法 /过程]采用社会网络分析法,构建微博谣言传播网络,结合该方法的相关指标与微博的特征,从连通性、凝聚性、距离等维度对传播网络展开分析。[结果 /结论 ]以"年薪十二万加税"谣言为例,通过数据采集与结果分析发现:同一主题下微博谣言传播路径会因一部分同时参与了多条微博转发的用户而相连接;单条谣言传播网络的结构具有一定的共性特征,可归纳为单点爆发式、多点触发式以及多点连爆式。在具体的舆情策略制定上,不应采取简单的一刀切,而是要对不同结构的微博谣言传播网络采取差异化的应对措施,进而实现微博谣言的精准治理。 [Purpose/significance]Research on the common features and the development law of rumor spreading on Microblog is of great significance to the routinization and normalization of the governance and intervention of Microblog rumors, for it can provide the decision-making basis for the relevant institutions. [Method/process]This paper examines the spreading network of rumors on Microblog with the help of social network analysis, and then analyzes the spreading network from the dimensions of connectivity, coherence and distance based on the relevant index of social network analysis and the characteristics of Microblog. [Result/conclusion]It is found that the path of rumor spreading on Microblog under the same theme will be connected by a number of users who are involved in reposting multi pieces of Microblog simultaneously. The structure of the singular rumor spreading network has certain universal features, which can be classified into singular explosive rumors, multiple triggering rumors and consecutive multiple explosive rumors. While making strategies for specific public opinions on Microblog, diversified countermeasures should be taken to deal with the multi-structural rumor spreading network instead of imposing uniformity in all cases, so as to achieve the precise governance of rumors on Microblog.
作者 王晗啸 蔡培
出处 《图书情报研究》 2018年第1期37-42,49,共7页 Library and Information Studies
关键词 微博 谣言 社会网络分析 传播网络 microblog rumor social network analysis spreading network
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