
粉煤灰在含砷水处理中的应用研究进展 被引量:5

Application Research Progress of Fly Ash in Water Containing Arsenic Treatment
摘要 介绍了粉煤灰的利用现状,及现阶段利用粉煤灰除砷的方法,叙述了运用各种预处理方法得到的粉煤灰的优缺点及其处理含砷废水的效果。阐述了现今的一些物理预处理与化学预处理后得到的吸附材料对砷的吸附效果和吸附机理。认为化学处理方法较优于物理处理方法,预处理后粉煤灰对高含量砷的去除率不够理想,改性粉煤灰在低含砷废水的处理中具有发展前景,提出应探究有机酸处理及多种处理方式联合使用的改性方式,期望未来预处理后的粉煤灰可用于处理工业含砷废水。 The present situation of fly ash utilization and the method of arsenic removal by fly ash were briefly introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of the fly ash obtained by various pretreatment methods and the effect of arsenic-containing wastewater treatment were introduced. The adsorption effect and mechanism of arsenic adsorbed by some physical and chemical pretreated materials were described. It was concluded that the chemical treatment method was better than the physical treatment method, and the high content arsenic removal rate was not ideal by pretreated fly ash. So modified fly ash applied in low content arsenic-containing wastewater treatment had good prospect. Using organic acid and combination of various treatment methods were put forward, and it was expected that the pretreated fly ash could be used to treat industrial arsenic-containing wastewater in the future.
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期15-19,共5页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 国家自然科学基金(21507051 21767016 U1402233) 昆明理工大学人才培养基金(KKSY201422060)
关键词 粉煤灰 含砷废水 吸附 改性 fly ash arsenic-containing wastewater adsorption modification
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