
产后6周妇女腹部核心肌厚度变化的超声学研究 被引量:8

Changes of abdominal core muscles thicknesses in postpartum women at 6 weeks after delivery:a ultrasonic study
摘要 目的通过肌肉超声,观察自然分娩后6周妇女腹内斜肌(IO)、腹外斜肌(EO)及腹横肌(Tr A)厚度的变化情况。方法选取2016年11-12月到该院进行常规产后复查的健康自然分娩产妇20名(产妇组),另选取在该院实习或工作的未孕青年女性20名作为对照组。使用超声成像技术分别测量上述女性仰卧位平静呼气末、腹式呼吸吸气末、腹式呼吸呼气末右侧IO、EO、Tr A的厚度,并计算上述肌肉厚度的变化率。结果产妇组平静呼气末Tr A厚度小于对照组(P=0.026),而IO及EO厚度与对照组相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。产妇组Tr A厚度变化率小于对照组(P=0.011),而IO及EO厚度变化率与对照组相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论产后6周妇女Tr A厚度及收缩能力较未孕青年女性下降,为进一步研究妊娠相关下腰痛(PLBP)与腹部核心肌之间的关系提供了研究思路及一定的理论基础。 Objective To observe the changes of thicknesses of internal oblique(IO),external oblique(EO),and transversus abdominus(Tr A) in postpartum women at 6 weeks after spontaneous delivery by muscle ultrasound.Methods Twenty postpartum women after spontaneous delivery receiving routine postpartum reexamination in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University from November to December in 2016 were selected as maternal group,and twenty young nulliparous women who were intern doctors or doctors in the hospital were selected as control group.Ultrasonic imaging technology was used to measure the thicknesses of right IO,EO,and Tr A at the end of calm exhalation,the end of inspiration and exhalation of abdominal respiration in the supine position.The change rates of thicknesses of above-mentioned muscles were calculated.Results The thickness of Tr A at the end of calm exhalation in maternal group was statistically significantly less than that in control group(P = 0.026).There was no statistically significant difference in the thicknesses of IO and EO between the two groups(P〉0.05).The change rate of thickness of Tr A in maternal group was statistically significantly less than that in control group(P = 0.011).There was no statistically significant difference in the change rates of thicknesses of IO and EO between the two groups(P〉0.05).Conclusion The thickness and contractility of Tr A in postpartum women at 6 weeks after delivery decrease significantly compared with young nulliparous women,which provides a research thought and a certain theoretical basis for further researching the relationship between pregnancy-related low back pain and abdominal core muscles.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2018年第2期266-269,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 广州市科技计划项目(2060404)
关键词 核心肌 超声 妊娠 下腰痛 Core muscle Ultrasound Pregnancy Low back pain
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