目的了解三倍体综合征的临床特点,并探讨三倍体综合征的临床诊断。方法采用羊水细胞培养染色体核型分析技术确定孕妇胎儿的染色体核型。结果 1例孕中期彩超示多发畸形的胎儿羊水染色体核型分析结果为69,XXX。结论细胞遗传学染色体核型分析技术可确诊三倍体综合征。
Objective:To understand the clinical features of Triploid syndrome,and to investigate the clinical diagnosis of Triploid syndrome.Methods:Amniotic fluid cell culture method chromosome karyotype analysis technology to determine the pregnant fetus′s chromosome karyotype.Results:A fetus of multiple malformations was found by color doppler ultrasound during the second trimester amniotic chromosome karyotype analysis result is 69,XXX.Conclusion:The cytogenetic karyotype analysis technology can diagnose Triploid syndrome.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity