在潘石屹看来,传统办公室和监狱一样,人进去以后就关上门,限制了彼此的交往。在"不务正业"的道路上,SOHO中国董事长潘石屹似乎走得越来越远——撮伙大咖聊天,给企业家拍照片,不再把一门心思投在房地产的他,玩得不亦乐乎。他还将企业家分为几个层次:最成功的企业最关心环保、扶贫等社会根本性问题;次一级的,则关心企业经营;再次一级,就是关心融资几轮。不过,说归说,当《支点》记者近期独家专访潘石屹,向他抛出了"次一级"的SOHO 3Q方面话题时,他还是饶有兴致地予以回复。
In the past, SOHO China has been operating mainly by heavy assets, supporting commercial property with self-owned capitals and loan investment. While SOHO 3Q is renting out short-term offices, giving users much room for share to communicate well.In the view of Pan Shiyi, the business mode of SOHO 3 Q has been going smooth, and the next is to expand territory. And Pan Shiyi has one set of standards in selecting cities, such as total amount of GDP, proportion of the third industry, GDP growth, etc. On the above basis, Pan Shiyi has visited Wuhan, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Changsha, and Wuhan left him a deep impression.