To the Editor: With the growing importance of Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA),t^l clinicians are increasingly concerned about its reliability and accuracy. In Intensive Care Units, SOFA scoring was found to be insufficiently accurate among both physicians and nurses.I-'31 Few studies have reported the pertbnnance of emergency department (ED) physicians in manually assigning the SOFA score. We therefore conducted a single-center prospective investigation to examine that issue.
To the Editor: With the growing importance of Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA),t^l clinicians are increasingly concerned about its reliability and accuracy. In Intensive Care Units, SOFA scoring was found to be insufficiently accurate among both physicians and nurses.I-'31 Few studies have reported the pertbnnance of emergency department (ED) physicians in manually assigning the SOFA score. We therefore conducted a single-center prospective investigation to examine that issue.