

Phylogenetic research on Chongming Island's white goats based on mitochondrial cytochrome b genes
摘要 采集了崇明岛及上海周边地区共14个点的72只白山羊样本,并参照山羊线粒体基因组序列(NC_005044)设计了2对引物(CF1/CF2,MA1/MA2),进行了覆盖白山羊线粒体细胞色素b基因(cyt b)全长的PCR扩增和测序。结果表明:72只白山羊的线粒体细胞色素b基因长度为1 140 bp。系统进化树分析表明,72个样本的线粒体cyt b基因主要分成2个大群体,其中32个样本属于波尔山羊群体(BOR),另外40个样本则属于长江三角洲白山羊群体(YRD),该40个样本的cyt b序列已登录Genbank(KY348291-KY348330)。研究发现:目前崇明岛上的白山羊群体已存在大量的外来山羊品种的杂交,但其中2个采样点的6个样本单独聚为1支,提示该6个样本可能是崇明岛本地白山羊群体;统计发现该6个样本与本研究中其他长江三角洲白山羊在线粒体cyt b基因上存在8个SNP位点。因此,应当对该两个点上的崇明岛白山羊进行种源保护和进一步研究。 The 72 samples of white goats were collected from Chongming Island and Shanghai surrounding areas and the PCR amplification and sequencing of their mitochondrial cytochrome b(cyt b) genes were made through designing two pairs of primers(CF1/CF2,MA1/MA2)according to the mitochondrial genome sequences(NC005044)of Capra hircus. The results showed that the length of their mitochondrial cyt b genes is 1 140 bp.The phylogenetic analysis showed that the 72 samples ' mitochondrial cyt b genes can be divided into 2 major populations,the 32 samples belong to the Boer goat population(BOR),and the rest are the Yangtze River Delta white goat population( YRD) whose cyt b sequences have been recorded in the Genbank( KY348291 —KY348330). The research indicated that there are a large number of hybrids in the white goat population of Chongming Island, but 6 samples from 2 sampling sites of Chongming Island are independently clustered together, meaning that the 6 samples may be a local white goat population of Chongming Island. The statistic analysis found that there are 8 SNP loci in the mitochondrial cyt b genes of both those 6 samples and the other YRD population. So Chongming white goats on the 2 sampling sites of Chongming Island should be protected and further investigated.
出处 《上海农业学报》 CSCD 2018年第1期74-78,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
基金 上海市市级农口系统青年人才成长计划[沪农青字(2015)第1-36号] 上海市科委创新行动计划[15140900300]
关键词 白山羊 线粒体基因组 系统进化 White goat Mitochondrial genome Phylogeny
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