

Brain status changes and effects――Theory of information-feature and brain status(Ⅱ)
摘要 文章论述脑态演化过程和脑态效应两方面内容;这些现象和效应,按照文中提供的方法和条件,是可以被重现和证实的。第一方面论述脑态演化过程:(1)专化过程:一个不专向任何科目的天然平均脑态者,每天用4~6小时学习一门科目,在此期间不学习其它科目,以避免其它科目的脑态对这科目脑态的干扰;如此坚持几年,在不断学习过程中,随着时间的推移,此人的脑态(包括物质结构的状态、能量运动和信息通道等)越来越趋向这科目;最终经过3~5年单一学习此科目后,此人的脑态已经完全专向这科目了,即他整个脑态在这个科目得到了极大的强化,而在其它科目上他的脑态被弱化(甚至显现比一般人更弱的状态)。(2)向非专化发展的退化过程:已专化于某科目的专化脑态者,开始每天用大量时间去学习多个科目,而且这些科目的信态相差很大。这样以来,他的脑态就摆布于这多个科目中,随着时间的推移(几年后),他原来专化科目的脑态就越来越被消减。如此坚持学习多科2~3年,他的专化态就完全消失,而新形成的脑态平均分布于各科,即多重平均脑态。天然平均脑态和多重平均脑态都属于非专化脑态。第二方面论述脑态现象及其影响效应:在上述漫长的脑态演化旅程中,脑态旅行者会遇到许多令人惊讶、令人感叹和奇异的脑态现象。(1)当专化脑态形成后,脑态旅行者在所专化的科目上的思维运动强度、理解深度、记忆能力、逻辑推理演绎能力、创新能力、持续学习时间耐受力、综合感悟力等各个方面,产生质的飞跃(与非专脑态相比,具有极大的提高);同时专化脑态也会影响脑态旅行者对整个人生世事的感觉,会影响他的性格和气质等。同时,在某个学科科目的脑态专化者,有些科目的信态与其所专化的科目的信态非常相近的,则他对这些科目表现天然的某种程度的专化水平,并且信态越相近专化程度越高;相反地,有些科目的信态与其所专化科目的信态相差很大,则他在这些科目上的思维运动能力甚至比不过一个天然平均脑态者或者多重平均脑态者,并且信态相差越远表现的思维能力越差。(2)当脑态旅行者由专化态演变退化到多重平均态后,他在先前所专化科目上的强烈思维能力就消失了,他的脑态为平均化状态,在各个科目上的思维能力比较平均,没有专化,与天然平均脑态者差不多。 Two aspects of brain status theory, changes of the brain status and effects from brain status, have been described here. These phenomena and theories can be investigated and verified by the method that people spend several years undergoing the brain status journey described in this paper. Firstly, changes of the brain status:(1) Specialized process: A natural brain status person spends 4~6 hours a day learning a single subject to avoid interferences from other subjects, his brain status(including the state of material structures, energy movement and information bus, et al.) will tend toward this subject more and more seriously as time pass by. 3~5 years later, his brain status will progress from natural brain status to specialized brain status in this subject, and the whole brain status of this subject will be strengthened and other subjects state are weakened.(2) Unspecialized process: The person with specialized brain status in this subject goes to exercise many subjects with different information-features, his brain status is distributed over all these subjects, and his specialized brain status in the previous specialized subject will be cut down gradually as time pass by. 2~3 years later, he will retrogress from specialized brain status to multiple brain status. Natural brain status and multiple brain status belong to unspecialized brain status. Secondly, effects from brain status: In this long journey, some surprising, marvelous and wonderful phenomena of brain status will be met by the traveler.(1) When specialized brain status had come into being, the person has a qualitative leap(a very great improvement) in thinking intensity, depth of understanding, memory, deductive inference ability, creativity, duration and comprehensive ability in the specialized subject, and specialized brain status can also influence on his overall sense, character and temperament. A person with specialized brain status shows some potential specialized degree in other subjects of which information-features are very similar to that of the specialized subject, and shows very poorer thinking ability in subjects of which information-features are very different from that of the specialized subject than natural brain status person or multiple brain status person.(2) While retrogressing to multiple brain status, his powerful thinking ability in the previous specialized subject disappeared, and he has average brain status and average thinking ability to all subjects as poor as natural brain status person.
作者 潘为高
机构地区 广西中医药大学
出处 《大众科技》 2018年第1期104-109,共6页 Popular Science & Technology
关键词 学科科目 脑态 专化 非专化 演化 过程 效应 Subject brain status specialized unspecialized changes process effects
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