The main bridge of the Oujiang River North Estuary Bridge in Wenzhou is a three- tower and double-deck steel truss girder suspension bridge with the main spans of 2X800 m. To select the reasonable structural type for the middle tower of the bridge, 3 schemes of the longitudi-nal A-shape concrete tower, longitudinal inverted Y-shape steel tower and longitudinal I-shape steel and concrete hybrid tower are comprehensively compared in aspects of the structural force conditions, cost effectiveness and construction convenience. The results of the comparison yield that if the scheme of the A-shape concrete tower is selected, the global stiffness of the structure will be great, but the nominal friction coefficient ^0. 3 should be guaranteed so that the anti-slip requirement of the main cables on the tower can be met. If the schemes of the other 2 towers are selected, the nominal friction coefficient of 0. 2 will be okey. For the 3 schemes, the relevant structural dimensions of the towers can be adjusted so as to meet the structural force condition re-quirements of the tower of each scheme. With regard to the open caisson foundation designed for the middle tower, the scheme of the A-shape concrete tower is deemed to be most cost-effective and in the construction, the tower crane for the construction will not be arranged higher than the tower of the bridge. According to the comparison, the A-shape concrete tower is finally selected and the anti-slip safety of the main cables will be guaranteed by adding the vertical friction plates in the middle tower saddle.
Bridge Construction
three-tower suspension bridge
middle tower
A-shape concrete tower
inverted Y-shape steel tower
I-shape steel and concrete hybrid tower
scheme comparison and selection