
仿生学气动噪声控制研究的历史、现状和进展 被引量:21

Review on aerodynamic noise reduction with bionic configuration
摘要 飞机/发动机噪声控制技术是目前绿色航空概念的主要目标之一,也是航空领域大国间竞争的关键技术。经过半个多世纪气动声学理论和飞机/发动机噪声控制技术研究后,进一步降低飞机噪声遇到了技术瓶颈。湍流宽频噪声由于其物理机制的复杂性、流动过程的无法避免性和在飞机/发动机流场中存在的普遍性,已成为当前气动噪声控制的难点和重点。以"师法自然"为核心的仿生学气动噪声控制,得到了前所未有的重视和研究,为气动噪声控制提供了新的思想,并构成了气动噪声控制的新方向。以飞机/发动机湍流宽频噪声控制为对象,首先回顾了仿生学气动噪声控制技术的研究历史,并详细介绍了机翼/叶片尾缘和前缘的仿生学降噪研究现状和发展动态,分析了目前仿生学气动噪声控制理论和技术的主要问题及未来的研究重点和发展方向。 Aircraft/engine noise control technology is not only one of the main goals of the current concept of green aviation,but also the key technology among big nations in aviation competition.After more than half a century of study on the aeroacoustics theory and the aircraft/engine noise control technology,further reduction of the aircraft noise encounters technical bottlenecks.Turbulence broadband noise has become a difficulty and the focus of the current aerodynamic noise control due to the complexity of its physical mechanism,the unavoidability during the flow process,and the universality in the airplane/engine flow field.In order to achieve the dream of ultra-quiet flight in the future,"learning from nature"which is the core of the noise control using bionic methods,has received unprecedented attention and been investigated extensively.Learning from nature can help to provide new aerodynamic noise control ideas and becomes a new vibrant aerodynamic noise control field.This paper addresses the aircraft/engine turbulence broadband noise control.Firstly,the history of the aerodynamic noise control with bionic methods is reviewed.Then a detailed introduction is presented for the current research situation of airfoil/blade trailing edge and leading edge noise reduction with bionic technologies.Finally,the main problems and future development directions of aerodynamic noise control with bionic methods are analyzed.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期98-121,共24页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(51276149 51476134 51776174) 空气动力学国家重点实验室研究基金(SKLA20160201) 气动噪声控制重点实验室研究基金(ANCL20170201)
关键词 仿生学 锯齿尾缘 波浪前缘 气动噪声 宽频噪声 bionics serrated trailing edges wavy leading edges aerodynamic noise broadband noise
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