
长江经济带城市职能结构的演变 被引量:7

The Evolution of Urban Functional Structure from the Perspective of Multiscale in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
摘要 基于城市职能结构、专业化部门及城市职能强度等要素对长江经济带城市职能结构演变进行多尺度分析,结果表明:全国尺度下,工业、商业属于长江经济带基本职能部门,矿业、金融业、房地产业、行政等职能则为非基本职能;区域尺度下的各省域基本—非基本职能结构呈现出明显的转化特征;全国尺度下,区域基本职能主导城市数量增长明显,尤其以建筑业职能最为突出,非基本职能中的交通通信主导型及科研管理主导型城市大幅度减少,长江经济带交通运输发展及科技发展相对滞后于城镇化进程;区域尺度下的西部经济地带城市职能结构逐步优化、出现多元化发展趋势,中部经济地带的建筑业、房地产等支撑部门迅速发展,东部经济地带仍是长江经济带内商业和科研重要集聚地;全国尺度下的长江经济带城市职能强度显示区域城市主导型职能多而弱、优势职能强度不足,区域一体化调控和引导机制不全,产业结构趋同性问题相对突出,为此,提出创新流域管理体制、强化立体交通廊道支撑作用、构建城市职能互补网络等城市职能结构优化的建议与对策。 The optimization of urban functional structure is one of the effective ways to enhance the efficiency of urban development. The multi-scale analysis of the evolution of urban functional structure is based on such factors as the structure of urban functions, the specialized departments and the intensity of urban function in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Results are presented as follows. Firstly, at the national scale, industry and commerce belong to the basic functional departments of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The functions of mining, finance, real estate and administration are non-basic functions. The basic and non-basic functional structure display obvious transformation characteristics at the regional scale. Secondly, at the national scale, the number of leading cities of basic functions increased significantly in the region, especially in the construction industry.The dominant types of communications-led and the research-led cities in non-basic functions were drastically reduced. The development of transportation and science-technology were lags behind the process of urbanization. The function structure of cities in the western economic zone has gradually been optimized and the trend of diversification has been developing; the construction and real estate supporting sectors in the central economic zone have developed rapidly; the eastern economic zone is still the gathering place of business and scientific research in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Thirdly, the intensity of urban functions in the Yangtze River Economic Belt on a national scale shows that the dominant urban functions in the region are multiple and weak, the strengths and weaknesses of functions are inadequate, the integration and control of the regional integration and the guiding mechanism are incomplete, and the convergence of industrial structure is relatively prominent. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to optimize the structure of city functions, such as innovating the basin management system, strengthening the support function of the three-dimensional traffic corridor, and building the urban functional complementary network.
作者 钟业喜 冯兴华 ZHONG Ye-xi;FENG Xing-hua(Jiangxi Institute of Economic Development / School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China;School of Geographical Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China)
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期34-40,共7页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41561025)
关键词 职能结构 演变特征 长江经济带 尺度视角 functional structure evolution characteristics Yangtze River economic zone Multi-scale perspective
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