
控失肥作为基肥对滴灌施肥马铃薯生长和品质的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Loss-control Fertilizer as Basal on Potato Growth and Quality under Drip Fertigation
摘要 【目的】研究控失肥作为基肥在滴灌施肥马铃薯上的应用效果。【方法】通过田间试验,选用"克新1号"(薯块早膨大型)和"夏波蒂"(薯块晚膨大型)2个不同薯块膨大型品种,以复合肥作为基肥为对照,于2012—2013年研究了控失肥作为基肥对滴灌施肥马铃薯生长、产量和品质等的影响。【结果】滴灌施肥条件下,当滴头正下方20cm深度处的土壤水基质势低于-25 k Pa时进行施肥灌溉,与复合肥作为基肥相比,控失肥作为基肥时改善了根区土壤水分状况,促进了块茎膨大初期马铃薯地上部的生长,"克新1号"的株高和鲜生物量分别提高了4.9%~5.1%和2.3%~9.9%,"夏波蒂"的叶面积指数和鲜生物量分别提高了32.7%和45.1%。同时,控失肥作为基肥时有利于"克新1号"块茎膨大后期的块茎膨大,单薯质量提高了2.8%~6.4%,大薯率提高了3.4%~4.5%,增产6.8%~13.1%,并且商品薯率提高了0.7%~2.5%。然而,控失肥作为基肥时却不利于"夏波蒂"块茎膨大后期块茎的快速膨大,单薯质量下降了9.5%~15.1%,最终总产量和商品薯产量分别降低了7.5%~14.1%和5.7%~8.6%。【结论】滴灌施肥时,对于薯块早膨大型马铃薯品种,如"克新1号",建议采用控失肥作为基肥,而对于薯块晚膨大型马铃薯品种,如"夏波蒂",不建议将控失肥作为基肥。 【Objective】Study on the application effect of loss-control fertilizer as base fertilizer on potato in drip fertigation.【Method】A 2-year field experiment of loss-control fertilizer as basal on potato growth,tuber yield,and marketing quality for two potato cultivars(including Kexin No.1 and Shepody) was carried out to study the application effects of loss-control fertilizer on potato under drip fertigation.Drip fertigation was triggered when the soil matric potential at 20 cm depth under the emitters was below-25 k Pa.【Result】The results showed that,loss-control fertilizer applied as basal effectively improved the soil moisture in the rootzone,and promoted the growth of potato during the early tuber bulking compared with the compound fertilizer.Plant height and above ground biomass of Kexin No.1 with loss-control fertilizer as basal was increased by 4.9%~5.1% and 2.3%~9.9%,respectively.Meanwhile,leaf area index and aboveground biomass was increased by 32.7% and 45.1% for Shepody,respectively.Loss-control fertilizer applied as basal improved the tuber bulking of Kexin No.1(tuber was bulked relatively early),increased potato yield by 6.8%~13.1%,increased single tuber weight by 2.8%~6.4%,increased big tuber percentage by 3.4% ~4.5%,and improved marketable tuber percentage by 0.7% ~2.5%.While loss-control fertilizer was adverse to rapid tuber bulking with Shepody(tuber was bulked relatively late) in the late growth stage,which decreased the single tuber weight by 9.5%~15.1%,reduced total and marketable tuber yield by 7.5%~14.1% and 5.7%~8.6%,respectively.【Conclusion】Loss-control fertilizer is recommended as basal for Kexin No.1(tuber is bulked relatively early),while not recommended as basal for Shepody(tuber is bulked relatively late) under drip fertigation.
作者 冯志文 康跃虎 万书勤 刘士平 FENG Zhiwen;KANG Yaohu;WAN Shuqin;LIU Shiping(Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, Chin)
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期54-62,共9页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAD06B01 2012BAD08B02) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51309211)
关键词 滴灌施肥 控失肥 产量 鲜生物量 马铃薯 drip fertigation loss-control fertilizer yield biomass potato
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