In practical machine learning, one instance is always associated with multiple labels. However, due to high cost, it is difficult to acquire the full supervised information for multi-label data. Thus, multi-label learning faces the problem of missing supervised information. By considering missing labels as unobserved entries in a matrix and features as side information, the matrix completion algorithm can be exploited to solve the missingsuper vised-information problem in multi-label learning. While the previous research often focused on the case where data is linearly separable, in this paper, we propose the KernelMaxide algorithm, which not only exploits the nonlinear structure in the missing-super vised-information multi-label data, but also considers the correlation between labels. In particular, we construct a novel optimization objective based on the kernel matrix, using the Representer Theorem of Matrix Norm. We further use the Nystrm method to reduce the memory and computational burden on the kernel matrix. Experiments show the merit of our proposal.
Scientia Sinica(Informationis)