Objective To summarize our therapeutic experiences on patients with pediatric sponta- neous biliary duct perforation. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of patients diagnosed as spontaneous biliary duct perforation who were admitted into the Department of Pediatric General Surgery, the Beijing Children Hospital from January 2008 to December 2014, and summarized the therapeutic experi- ences. Results There were 7 boys and 18 girls, with a average age of 2.4 years ( range 11 months to 10 years). Twenty-one patients (84.0%) were diagnosed by ultrasonography. Two patients were treated with conservative therapy and were discharged home. The remaining 23 patients were treated with emergent sur- gery. Of these patients, 9 were treated with cholecystostomy and abdominal drainage ( the cholecystostomy group), and the remaining 14 were treated with choledochal drainage and abdominal drainage (the chole- dochal drainage group). The mean hospitalization stay for the cholecystostomy group was 25.2 days, and 3 patients developed complications (33.3%). The mean hospitalization stay for thecholedochal drainage group was 16.1 day, and 2 patients developed complications ( 14.2% ). Twenty-four patients were diagnosed to suffer from congenital choledochal cysts or pancreaticobiliary maljunction by imaging studies during or after surgery. Elective choledochal cystectomy with hepaticojejunostomy were performed on 23 stable patients who developed no severe complications. Conclusions Pediatric spontaneous bile duct perforation is closely re- lated with congenital eholedochal cysts, and the pathological basis in diagnosis is pancreaticobiliary maljunc- tion. Bile duct elastic fiber hypogenesis and specific blood supply are important to the onset of perforation. Abdominal ultrasonography plays an important role in the diagnosis. Patients with peritoneal irritation and non-localized perforation should be operated in time, and choledochal drainage with abdominal drainage is a good treatment choice. All patients diagnosed as congenital eholedochal cysts or pancreaticobiliary maljunc- tion should undergo elective choledochal cystectomy with hepaticojejunostomy.
Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery