采集安徽部分地区批发市场258组普通白菜样品,运用风险评估模型,对普通白菜中啶虫脒、阿维菌素、克百威和毒死蜱4种常用农药残留进行风险评估。结果表明,在参试的258组普通白菜中,203组(占比78.7%)样品中检出农药残留,2组样品中啶虫脒超标,1组样品中毒死蜱超标。在检出的4种常用农药中啶虫脒的检出率最高,达到54.6%;阿维菌素检出率为12.4%;克百威和毒死蜱检出率均低于10%;4种农药残留的均值依次为啶虫脒(0.099 0 mg/kg)>阿维菌素(0.0034 mg/kg)>毒死蜱(0.002 9 mg/kg)>克百威(0.001 2 mg/kg)。72.2%的样品中含有1种农药;4.2%的样品中检测含有2种农药;2.4%的样品中含有3种农药,普通白菜的IFS<1。综上所述,普通白菜的啶虫脒检出率较高,99.2%的样品农药残留量低于最大残留量,检测的农药残留处于风险程度范围内,不存在安全风险。
We collected 258 cabbage samples from some areas' wholesale markets of Anhui Province ,detected and analyzed 4 pesticide residues (acetamiprid, abamectin,carbofuran and chlorpyrifos)in common Chinese cabbage by building a risk assessment model.The results showed that 203 samples (78.7%)had detectable residues, 2 samples acetamiprid exceeded the standard, 1 sample chlorpyrifos exceeded the standard. In the 4 commonly used pesticides, the detectable rate of acetamiprid was the highest,which was 54.6% ;the detectable rate of abamectin was 12.4% ,the detectable rate of carbofuran and chlorpyrifos were both below 10% .The mean residual concentrations of the 4 pesticides in samples were in the following order: aeetamiprid ( 0.0990mg/kg ) 〉abamectin ( 0.003 4mg/kg) 〉chlorpyrifos ( 0.002 9 mg/kg) 〉carbofuran (0.001 2 mg/kg ) .72.2% of samples had one residues, 4.2% of samples had two residues ,2.4% of samples had three residues, the 1FS of cabbage was less than 1. In conclusion, acetamiprid in common Chinese cabbage had a relatively high detectable rate.Nevertheless, the residual concentration of 99.2% samples tested were under maximum residue limits.The residues detected were within the range of risk, and there was no security risk.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
common Chinese cabbage
pesticide residues
risk assessment