
柞蚕幼虫蓝体色和青绿体色的遗传规律分析 被引量:3

Genetic Study on Hereditary Regularity of Blue and Turquoise Larval Body Color of the Tussah silkworm,Antheraea pernyi
摘要 柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)幼虫体色是柞蚕新品种选育的重要形态标记性状。已知柞蚕幼虫体色的控制基因G(g)、Y(y)、R(r)位于不同染色体上,非等位基因间存在互作关系。以幼虫体色分别为蓝色、青绿色的柞蚕品种胶蓝、青皮为研究材料,与幼虫体色分别为白色(基因型rryygg)、黄绿色(基因型rryy GG)的柞蚕品种小白蚕、青6号配制胶蓝×小白蚕、青皮×小白蚕、胶蓝×青6号和胶蓝×青皮的正反交F1、F2、F3和BC1等组合进行杂交试验,调查分析柞蚕幼虫蓝体色和青绿体色的遗传方式。通过胶蓝与小白蚕杂交试验的幼虫体色分离规律,推测柞蚕幼虫蓝体色与白体色的控制基因存在1对差异基因,将柞蚕幼虫蓝体色基因命名为B,则柞蚕品种胶蓝幼虫的体色基因型为rryygg BB;通过青皮与小白蚕杂交试验的幼虫体色分离规律,推测柞蚕品种青皮幼虫青绿体色的基因型为rryy GGBB;通过胶蓝、青6号和青皮3个品种间杂交试验的幼虫体色分离规律,推测蓝体色基因B与黄绿体色基因G分别位于不同连锁群,为独立遗传;当基因B与基因G共存(rryy G_B_)时,柞蚕幼虫体色表型为青绿色,属不完全显性遗传。 The body color of tussah silkworm (Antheraea pemyi) larva is an important morphological marker in breeding of new variety. It is known that genes controlling body color of tussah larva, i.e. G(g), Y(y) and R( r), locate on differ- ent chromosomes, and there are non-allelic interactions between these genes. In this study, tussah strains Jiaolan and Qingpi, whose body color is blue and turquoise respectively, were used as research material. They were hybridized with tussah strains Xiaobaican and Qing6, whose body color is white (genotype: rryygg) and yellow-green (genotype= rryyGG) respectively, to prepare F1, F2, F3 and BC1 reciprocal crosses of hybrid combinations named JiaolanxXiaobai- can, QingpixXiaobaican, Jiaolan×Qing6 and JiaolanxQingpi, so as to investigate the genetic pattern of blue and tur- quoise larval body color. Based on segregation rules of body color in hybridization tests between Jiaolan and Xiaobaican, we speculated that there was one pair of differentially expressed genes controlling blue and turquoise body color of tus- sah larva. We named this blue body color gene as B, so the genotype of Jiaolan larval body color was rryyggBB. Based on segregation rules of body color in hybridization tests between Qingpi and Xiaobaican, we speculated that the qeno-type of Qingpi larval body color was rryyGGBB. Based on segregation rules of body color in hybridization tests between Jiaolan, Qing6 and Qingpi, we inferred that the blue body color gene B and the yellow-green body color gene G locate in different linkage groups and inherit inde- pendently. When B and G coexist ( rryyG_B_), the phe- notype of larval body color is turquoise, which is the con-sequence of incomplete dominant inheritance.
出处 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期42-48,共7页 ACTA SERICOLOGICA SINICA
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(No.CARS-18)
关键词 柞蚕 幼虫体色 蓝色 青绿色 基因型 Antheraea perniy Body color of larva Blue Turquoise Genotype
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