

Factors influencing the discrepancies of rural fund allocation in China
摘要 在国内外学者基于地区间的资金配置差异问题研究的基础上,对中国农村村级财力不均等现状及影响等问题,基于中国居民收入调查数据库(2007)行政村调查数据,采用基于回归方程的夏普里值分解方法,考察和研究各种因素对中国农村村级资金配置差异的影响及其贡献率。研究表明:中国农村村级财力不均等情况比较严重;人均收入水平、村庄治理差异、地区差异等对村级财力存在着显著影响;农民人均收入水平对村级财力不均等的贡献率最大,达到50.629%,地区差异贡献率次之,达到17.139%;村庄治理因素对于村级财力不均等的贡献达到8.575%,在各种村级财力决定因素中,位居第三。研究认为,农民人均收入水平对村级财力不均等的贡献较大,提高村级财力的关键在于提高居民收入水平,实现中西部地区居民收入较之东部沿海地区居民收入的更快增长;加大政策支持力度和转移支付力度,尤其是对中西部农村贫困落后地区进行扶植,避免使村级财政陷于困境之中,并缩小村与村之间的财力差距;充分发挥村庄社会资本的治理功能,挖掘村庄外部社会资本,争取更多上级转移支付收入,缩小村级财力资金配置的差异程度。 Based on the researches on the problem of discrepancies in the fund allocation between regions, the scholars at home and abroad have analyzed the status and impact of the rural financial inequality at the village level in China. According to the survey data of the administrative villages in the Chinese Resident Income Survey Database (2007), this paper attempted to study the impact of various factors on the discrepancies of the fund allocation at the village level in China and their contribution rate by adopting the Shapley value decomposition of regression equation. The results show that the rural financial inequality in rural China is very serious; per capita income levels, village governance differences and regional disparity have significant impacts on village financial resources; the contribution rate on the per capita income of famers to the rural financial inequality is the largest one, and it reaches 50.629%, followed by the regional disparity, accounting for 17. 139%. And the contribution rate of village governance to village inequality is 8. 575%, which is the third one among various determinants of village financial resources. The study suggests that the per capita income of farmers contributes a lot to the inequality of village financial resources. The key to improve the village financial resources lies in raising the level of residents' income. Compared with the residents' income in the eastern coastal areas, the increase of residents' income in the central and western regions is faster. Policy support and transfer payments need to be strengthened. In particular, it helps to prevent poverty in rural areas in the central and western from getting into fiscal difficulties and narrows the financial gap between villages. In order to strive for more superior income to transfer payments and reduce the discrepancy of the allocation of fund financial at the village level, the governance function of village social capital should be developed adequately, and the external social capital of the village should be excavated.
出处 《长安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期63-71,共9页 Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(17BJL044)
关键词 农村 村级财力 资金配置 不均等 人均收入 村庄治理 village village financial resources fund allocation inequality per capita income village governance
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