
蔬菜一级批发商技术效率研究——基于寿光农产品物流园蔬菜批发商户的调查 被引量:3

On the Technical Efficiency of Vegetable First-Class Wholesalers: An Investigation based on Vegetable Wholesalers in Shouguang Agricultural Produces Logistics Park
摘要 相对于农产品流通二级批发商,一级批发商的经营规模更大、流动范围更广,是农产品跨省域流通的中坚力量,其运营效率状况直接影响到整个农产品流通效率的提升。本文采用随机前沿生产函数模型,利用来自山东省寿光农产品物流园蔬菜一级批发商户的调查数据,分析蔬菜一级批发商户的技术效率及其影响因素。研究表明,蔬菜一级批发商在蔬菜批发过程中存在着显著的效率损失,商户主要决策者的年龄、在园区的经营时间、固定客户采购量占批发总量的比重、固定代收户的收购量占其总收购量的比重、蔬菜一级批发商是否拥有自己的种植基地,对商户的技术效率影响显著,而商户单次批发的蔬菜品种数量、是否投资购买大型运输车辆、商户决策者的文化程度、蔬菜一级批发商的从业经历、从事蔬菜批发的年限等因素对商户的技术效率影响不显著。根据研究结论,蔬菜一级批发商运营技术效率还有(约26.5%)提升空间,而积累蔬菜批发经验、维系上下游稳定的客户关系、实施向前一体化发展有助于其提升技术效率。 Compared with the second-class wholesalers of agricultural produces circulation,the first-class wholesalers have larger scale and wider flow range,so they are the backbone of the inter provincial circulation of agricultural produces,and their operation efficiency directly affects the improvement of the circulation efficiency of the whole farm produces. This paper analyzes the technical efficiency and its influence factors of vegetable first-class wholesalers using stochastic frontier production function model based on the survey data of vegetable first-class wholesalers in Shouguang agricultural produces logistics park in Shandong Province. The results show that loss of efficiency of vegetable first-class wholesalers is significant in the process of vegetable wholesale. In terms of influence factors,these five variables have significant impact on the technical efficiency of wholesalers such as the main business decision-makers age,operating time in the park,the proportion of fixed customer purchasing volume accounted for the total wholesale,the proportion of the total amount of the acquisition of the fixed collector accounted for its total acquisition,whether a vegetable wholesaler has its own planting base or not. While varieties and quantity of the vegetable wholesale every time,whether invest in large transport vehicles or not,the educational level of decision makers,the experience of first-class wholesalers,working years and other factors have no significant impact on the technical efficiency of wholesalers. According to the above research conclusions,there is about 26. 5% improvement in the technical efficiency of vegetable wholesalers,while the accumulation of vegetable wholesale experience,maintaining a stable relationship with upstream and downstream customers,and implementation of the forward integration development will help to improve their technical efficiency.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期19-27,86,共10页 Commercial Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目 项目编号:15YJCZH171 山东省自然基金项目 项目编号:ZR2015GM014
关键词 蔬菜 一级批发商 技术效率 随机前沿生产函数 影响因素 vegetable first-class wholesalers technical efficiency SFA influence factor
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