法国作家埃里克·威亚尔(Eric Vuillard)是一位基于历史题材进行创作的作家,他将客观历史事件同主观思想情感巧妙地进行结合,向读者还原历史上重大起义与战争的真相,拥有作家、导演双重身份的他还将电影艺术融于叙事中,凭借着别具一格的多部代表作品先后获得多项文学奖。本文对威亚尔的几部代表作品的内容、写作风格与特色、作家本人对文学的看法和创作理念进行介绍和分析,为读者了解法国文坛的新动向展现一个独特的窗口。
Eric Vuillard is a french writer who's literary style is narrative and historical, this writer combines skillfully the objective historical events with the subjective emotion so that the readers can know the reality of historical wars and events. With his double identities (writer and director), the writer integrates the cinematographic skills with the narration. His unique representative works have make him won several literary prizes. This article will give a presentation and an analysis of the writer's opinion about literature and writing, so that the readers can know the new perspective of french literature.