
外部转矩干扰的非完整移动机器人轨迹追踪控制研究 被引量:4

Study in Trajectory Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Based on External Torque Disturbance
摘要 针对外部转矩干扰的非完整机器人运动不稳定、轨迹追踪控制精度较低等问题,提出了无源控制理论的控制方法。构造了非完整移动机器人的动力学模型,介绍了机器人空间运动控制的基本形式。采用无源控制方法设计了机器人末端执行器,使用李雅普诺夫综合法对无源控制闭环系统的稳定性和追踪误差的渐近收敛性进行了证明。结合具体实例,通过Matlab软件对外部转矩干扰的非完整移动机器人运动追踪轨迹和输出转矩进行仿真,并且与PI控制方法形成对比。仿真结果显示,无源控制方法的实际轨迹朝理论轨迹收敛,轨迹追踪误差较小,输出转矩波动小。无源控制方法可以避免外部转矩干扰的非完整机器人运动不稳定,提高轨迹追踪精度。 The control method of passive control theory is put forward, which is aimed on the problem that the external torque disturbance is not stable and the trajectory tracking control precision is low of the the nonholonomic robot. The dynamic model of non- holonomie mobile robot was constructed, and the basic form of space motion control of robot was introduced. By using the passive control method to design the robot end effector, using the Lyapunov synthesis method of passive control, the asymptotic convergence of the closed-loop system stability and tracking error was proved. Combined with the specific examples, the tracking trajectory and output torque of the nonholonomic mobile robot with external torque disturbance were simulated by Matlab software, and compared with the proportion integral (PI) control method. The simulation results show that the actual trajectory of the passive control method is convergent, and the tracking error is small, and the output torque ripple is small. The passive control method can avoid the instability of the nonholonomie robot with external torque disturbance and improve the tracking accuracy.
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2018年第3期63-66,共4页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
关键词 外部转矩 移动机器人 无源控制 追踪误差 仿真 External torque Mobile robot Passive control Tracking error Simulation
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