Industrial location has been a heated debate in the field of economic geography and urban geography. The selection of industrial location theory includes classical location theory, behavior location theory, strategic location theory, organizational structure location theory and new economic geography location theory. The location theory of cultural & creative industry is one of the crucial topics in the field of new industries, representing a new branch of the location study in terms of the new economic geography. Existing research has been lacking of the classic empirical materials to analyse the spatial pattern and driving factors of cultural & creative industry. This paper chooses Zhejiang as a case study to demonstrate location factors of cultural & creative industry and its impact on cities. Firstly, based on the perspective of enterprises, this paper attempts to build cultural & creative industry location model including infrastructure, governance, market, and soft factor. Secondly, this paper uses the employment data of each city / district to describe the spatial pattern of cultural creative industries at city level from the perspective of whole industries and the key industries dimension by means of location entropy. Then, principal component analysis and OLS model were used to identify the contribution of driving factors to industrial location. The results can be concluded as follows: (1) From the perspective of spatial selection of cultural & creative industry, cultural & creative industry tends to choose primate city in Zhejiang, and some of the key industries choose their locations in big cities such as Hangzhou, as well as in some historical small and medium-sized cities such as Zhoushan, Jinhua and Taizhou. So, the spatial pattern of cultural & creative industry in Zhejiang has presented a pattern of "capital space" agglomeration and differentiation of "local space". (2) Economic, science and technology, government support, market demand, environment, transportation and local characteristics are important location factors of cultural & creative industry in this province. Different key industries and their geospatial scales show their impact on geographical location factors, which colloborates the rationality of the location model of creative industry. That is to say, the cultural & creative industry location model has heterogeneity. (3) The spatial location of the whole industries in Zhejiang is mainly driven by factors of infrastructure provision and government policy. The spatial location of the key industries is mainly driven by the "soft factor", such as social tolerance. Jinhua became the "highland" in the field of art creation and trade and media publishing industry, and the industrial pattern of cultural & creative industry in Zhoushan and Taizhou, can respectively be characterized by the tourism and leisure industry and art creation and trading industry. (4) This research aims to construct the theoretical framework of integrating economic geography and cultural geography from the perspective of the theory of new industry location. In addition, the cultural & creative industry is actively rooted in local city, and leading industries of eleven cities in Zhejiang are not the same, so the location model can provide policy implication for the government in terms of cultural & creative industries policy, and targeted policies support with consideration of features of the city and industry.
Geographical Research
cultural & creative industry
new economic location model
location factors
Hang- zhou