Urbanization is one of the major land use and land cover changes sweeping the globe. Rural de- cline has inevitably accompanied with the increasing global levels of urban development. Emerging rural issues have swept both developing and developed countries and hindered rural sustainability, including rural depopulation and exodus, abandoned land, rural poverty, industrial recession, culture decline, and environmental pollution. As a result, the development capacity of rural areas has fallen and threatened their sustainability and resilience. (;hanging socio-cconomic and climate conditions pose great challenges to global food security, rural sustainability and poverty reduction.
Urbanization is one of the major land use and land cover changes sweeping the globe. Rural de- cline has inevitably accompanied with the increasing global levels of urban development. Emerging rural issues have swept both developing and developed countries and hindered rural sustainability, including rural depopulation and exodus, abandoned land, rural poverty, industrial recession, culture decline, and environmental pollution. As a result, the development capacity of rural areas has fallen and threatened their sustainability and resilience. (;hanging socio-cconomic and climate conditions pose great challenges to global food security, rural sustainability and poverty reduction.