
356名医学专科学校学生口腔健康调查与分析 被引量:7

Research and analysis on oral health of 356 medical college students
摘要 目的了解某医学专科学校2015级大二学生口腔卫生知识知晓率,口腔保健行为的实施率,口腔保健的态度以及口腔健康状况。探讨口腔卫生知识态度行为与学生口腔健康之间的关联。方法参照WHO的《口腔健康调查基本方法》,2016年9月在学校内系统抽样抽取356名学生进行口腔健康检查和问卷调查。结合问卷和口腔健康检查数据进行分析。应用Epi Data 3.1软件进行录入,并进行逻辑纠错,采用SPSS 22.0统计软件进行统计分析。通过χ~2检验分析比较不同组间学生口腔卫生知识、态度、行为发生情况的差异,建立二元Logistic回归模型,调整关键人口统计学变量,分析口腔知识态度行为和龋病牙龈炎发生的关联。结果 356名学生问卷显示父亲文化程度不同,口腔健康知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。口腔检查结果:患龋率为32.0%,牙龈炎的检出率为29.5%。不同专业和不同生源地学生牙龈炎的检出率之间差异有统计学意义。通过Spearman相关分析和Logistic回归分析发现,在问卷调查的53项中,知晓龋病是危害人类的三大疾病之一和知晓不能预防牙周疾病的方法对龋病的患病率有影响,未使用漱口水和未做龈上洁治是牙龈炎的危险因素。结论该医学专科学校学生的口腔健康知识掌握存在不均衡性,龋病患病率较高,需开设口腔教育课程,加强口腔卫生指导,促进口腔健康。 Objective To know the oral hygiene knowledge,oral health behaviour,the attitude of oral health and oral health status of sophomore 2015 in a medical school to explore the association between oral hygiene knowledge and behavior and student oral health status. Methods According to the WHO"Oral Health Survey Basic Method",System sampling selected 356 students for oral health check and questionnaire in September 2016,on campus. Combined with questionnaire and oral health check data for analysis. Application of Epi Data 3. 1 software for entry,and logical error correction,using SPSS 22. 0 software for statistical analysis. Through the χ~2 test,independent sample t test,single factor analysis and comparison between different groups of students oral health knowledge awareness rate,attitude of oral health and oral health behavior. Establish a binary logistic regression model to adjust key demographic variables,analysis of the relevance between oral hygiene knowledge,behavior and dental caries,gingivitis occurs,the variable selection criteria is P 0. 05. Results According to the questionnaire of 356 students: Father's cultural degree is different,oral health knowledge is different. The difference was statistically significant Results of oral examination of 356 students showed: that the prevalence rate was 32. 0%. The detection rate of gingivitis is 29. 5%. By Spearman correlation analysis and Logistic regression analysis,the impact of dental caries incidence on these two factors: can not prevent the method of periodontal disease,caries is one of the three major diseases that endanger mankind,the risk factors for gingivitis were not used with mouthwash and not supragingival scaling. Conclusion There is imbalance in the oral hygiene knowledge of students in medical college. The incidence of caries among students in this medical college is high. Oral education courses should be opened to strengthen oral health guidance and promote oral health.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2018年第3期448-451,共4页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 安徽省教育厅2015年度高等学校省级质量工程项目(2015sxzx029) 安徽省高等职业教育创新发展行动计划(2015-2018年)项目(xm1)
关键词 医学专科学校 口腔健康知识 口腔健康状况 Medical college Oral health knowledge Oral health
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