

A Textual Research on the Year of Dispatching Messengers from Yamatai to the Wei State of the Three Kingdoms Period for the First Time
摘要 邪马台国是中国古代史书记载的倭(今日本)人建立的国家之一。三国曹魏时,邪马台女王卑弥呼遣使团首次至曹魏朝贡。此次通使时间,在中外史书中,主要有"景初二年""景初三年"二说。持"景初三年"说者认为,《梁书》《北史》等中外文献皆系此事于景初三年,可证《三国志》所载景初二年为误;景初二年六月,曹魏与割据辽东的公孙渊集团之间的战争正式爆发,八月结束。辽东交通必因战乱而中断,邪马台使团无法取道辽东,前往洛阳;魏帝并非在景初二年十二月,而是在景初三年十二月颁册封诏书及赐物,正始元年送达带方郡。上述诸说皆似是而非。《梁书》等记载或因主客观因素影响而有误;辽东之役,不可能阻断邪马台使臣的通路;魏明帝去世、曹魏统治集团内权力之争、赐品之购置备办、交通之不便捷等因素,皆可导致魏明帝撰颁之册封诏书被延宕一年多现象之发生。 The Yamatai was one of the countries established by ancient Japanese recorded in ancient Chinese historybooks. During the Wei state of the Three Kingdoms period,Himiko,the queen of Yamatai sent a mission to presenttribute to the Wei state for the first time. The time that the mission arrived at the Wei state was recorded in the his-tory of China and foreign countries was different. The second year of Jingchu and the third year of Jingchu weremainly recorded in the history books. The scholars who support the third year of Jingchu insist that LiangShu( ) ,Beishi and other Chinese and foreign literatures recorded the event in this year, which can prove thatthe second year of Jingchu recorded in The Records of Three Kingdoms is a mistake. In June of the second year ofJingchu,the war between the Wei state and the Gongsun Yuan group, who set up a separatist regime in Liaodong ar-ea broke out,and it ended in August. The traffic in Liaodong was interrupted by the war,the Yamatai mission couldnot go to Luoyang via Liaodong. It was not in December of the second year of Jingchu but in December of the thirdyear of Jingchu that the emperor of Wei issued the imperial edict of conferring a title and the gifts to Himiko,whichwere delivered to the governor of the DaiFang countyin the first year of Zhengshi. The above statements are spe-cious. There may be some mistakes in LiangShu (~) and other records because of the influence of some subjec-tive and objective factors. The battle of Liaodong was impossible to block the passage of the envoys of Yamatai. Suchfactors as emperor Ming' s death, the struggle for power within the ruling group of the Wei state, purchasing and pre-paring the gifts and inconvenient traffic and so on could delay the imperial edict issued by emperor Ming for morethan a year.
作者 郭善兵
出处 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第1期35-41,共7页 Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences
关键词 曹魏 邪马台国 首次通使 景初二年 景初三年 the Wei state Yamatai dispatching messengers for the first time the second year of Jingchu the thirdyear of Jingchu
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