At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the poel Jiang Cai lived in the era of political change, chaos in the era of chaos, its experience is bumpy, troubled. As the poet of the Ming Dynasty, Jiang Cai lived in Suzhou, lived indifterent to the hermit life. Throughout the ginger of poetry, we can easily find his poetry by Tao Yuanming and Du Fu's great influence. From the point of view of poetic creation, subjecl matter and style, Jiang Cai's poems are the eahn and indifferent to Tao Yuanming's, and the other is with the sadness and sadness of Du Fu. This is of course inseparable from his life experience. Because of this, Jiang Cai's poem not only to the social life at that time to provide a true historical picture, which also contains the iudividual mountains and rivers after the clear and resolute gas, showing the occasion of the Ming and Qir, g Dynasties literati scholar desolate heart and difficult to give up the "Remnant plot" .
Journal of Zhaotong University
Jiang Cai's poems Depressed and Desolate Calm and indifferent Remnanl plot