【Purpose/significance】This paper carries out semantic analysis on the Chinese core journals in the field of Library and Information Science, in order to discover the characteristics and laws of core elements and logical structures in abstracts.【Method/process】The 1 st to 4 th issues in 2016 of three excellent journals in the field of Library and Information Science are selected as a sample, Which are《Journal of Library Science in China》,《Journal of Academic Libraries》and《Library and Information Service》, the abstracts are dealt with the semantic annotation,the core elements and logical structures contained in the abstract are analyzed statistically.【Result/conclusion】The results of the study show that the abstracts of Chinese journals in the Library and Information Science domain are composed of seven basic elements. The conclusion, the research method and the research purpose are the most important elements. Most of the abstracts(79.2%) are composed of at least three basic elements, the "research purpose/problem + research method/process + research conclusion"(P+M+F model) is the most common logical structure in abstract; The using of structured abstract in published papers have some influences on enhancing the logic and integrity of the structure of abstracts.
Information Science
core elements in abstract
structured abstract
semantic annotation
logic structure of abstract