茂名分公司以加工高硫原油为主 ,为此加强了设备防腐蚀规范化管理和在线监、检测工作 ,以保证装置安全运行。公司在易蚀部位安装了腐蚀测试仪 ,并对管线弯头等部位进行定点定时测厚 ,绘制了设备管线测厚空视图 ,对 5 0 0多个储罐进行了腐蚀调查 ,建立了档案。同时 。
As the refinery of Maoming Petrochemical Company mainly processes the high-sulfur crude oils, the corrosion management and online monitoring and testing of the equipment corrosion were strengthened to ensure safe and reliable operation of the refinery process units. The corrosion monitoring probe was installed at each location subject to corrosion, the thickness of the elbows of the pipes was measured at the predefined location and prefixed time and corresponding corrosion profiles were produced. Over 500 storage tanks were inspected for corrosion and corrosion files were established. In addition, the automatic pH control system was installed at the overhead of the distillation unit and automatic chemical dosing system was provided in cooling water plant.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry