

Discussion on the Measurement Control and Data Processing of the Ball Screw Dynamic Characteristics
摘要 滚珠丝杠副在工业机床上有着重要应用,是工业中传动过程中的主要零件。滚珠丝杠副能够直接影响机床传动过程中的精度,从而影响机床加工零件的精度。我国因为工业化起步较晚,制造业发展较为缓慢,对滚珠丝杠副在使用过程中的损耗检测技术不成熟。因此,研究滚珠丝杠动态特性测量控制与数据处理具有重要的研究意义。本文从测量指标的确定出发,通过确定测量指标为定位精度及重复定位精度、反向间隙、温升及噪声、摩擦力矩等,对不同测量指标的测量方法进行研究,设计综合的测量系统,并分析测量数据的处理。 Ball screw pair has an important application in industrial machine tools. It is used as the main part of the transmission process in industry. The ball screw pair can directly affect the accuracy of the transmission process of machine tools, thus affecting the accuracy of parts processed by machine tools. Because our industrialization started late, development of manufacturing industry is relatively slow, for the detection of ball screw in the process of using the loss is not mature, so it has important significance to research on the dynamic characteristics of ball screw measurement control and data processing, this paper determined from the measurement index of the positioning accuracy for determining and the repetitive positioning accuracy, measurement of backlash, temperature rise and noise, friction, through the research of measurement methods for measurement of different indicators, comprehensive measurement system design, analysis and data processing etc.
机构地区 丽水学院
出处 《现代制造技术与装备》 2018年第1期36-37,共2页 Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment
关键词 高速滚珠丝杠副 动态特性测量 数据处理 high speed ball screw pair, dynamic characteristic measurement, data processing
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