
基于不同降水年型玉米生长差异的半干旱沙区耕地稳定性分类 被引量:4

Stablility classification of cultivated land based on crop growth difference in different annual precipitation type in semi-arid and sandy land area
摘要 为研究土地荒漠化问题严重的半干旱沙区不同降水条件下农作物生长状况并识别不稳定耕地,该文以科尔沁左翼后旗旱地玉米为例,依照1980-2013年各年份玉米生长期降水丰沛程度对其进行降水类型的划分,并研究不同降水型下旱地玉米的生长状况,基于玉米生长状况的差异识别半干旱沙区的不稳定耕地。结果表明,丰水型、偏丰水型、平水型、偏欠水型、欠水型年份所占比例分别为8.82%、32.35%、17.65%、29.41%、11.77%,反映出科左后旗玉米生长期降水波动大。偏欠水型(2001年)、平水型(2013年)、偏丰水型(2008年、2012年)玉米生长期耕地NDVI指数的加和(NDVI_(sum))分别主要分布在[4,4.5]、[4.5,5.5]、[4,5],表明不同降水型下玉米生长状况差异较大,种植业生产存在很大的不稳定性,且干旱对种植业的影响大于沥涝对种植业的影响。根据不同降水型玉米生长差异,将耕地类型划分为极不稳定、不稳定、相对稳定、稳定4种类型,极不稳定与不稳定耕地面积分别为68.75、33918.75 hm^2。基于以上研究结果,认为半干旱沙区应在地形低洼处修建集雨、储水设施,以避免沥涝对种植业造成影响;极不稳定耕地与不稳定耕地应当进行退耕以恢复半干旱沙区生态。 Water resource is the key factor affecting dry land maize growth in semi-arid and sandy land area. These areas are fragile in eco-environment and unreasonable land use has induced serious land desertification. So, it is significant to study crop growth status under different precipitations and to identify the unstable cultivated land for eco-environment rehabilitation in semi-arid and sandy land area. Taking Horqin Left Back Banner as a case study, firstly, this paper analyzed the precipitation types of maize growth period from 1980 to 2013 with precipitation data of Horqin Left Back Banner Weather Station. Secondly, dry land maize growth status was studied with the method of remote sensing technology and the crop production stability was analyzed. Thirdly, unstable cultivated land identification was performed according to dry land maize growth status under normal precipitation year and partially dry year. The results indicated that proportions of dry year, partially dry year, normal year, partially wet year, and wet year were 11.77%, 29.41%, 17.65%, 32.35%, and 8.82% respectively. The proportions of partially wet year and wet year, partially dry year and dry year were large. Precipitation fluctuation in maize growth period was dramatical in Horqin Left Back Banner. The sum of normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI_(sum)) of cultivated land in partially dry year(2001), normal year(2013), and partially wet year(2008, 2012) were mostly distributed in [4,4.5), [4.5,5.5) and [4,5) respectively. There were big gaps in dry land maize growth condition in different precipitation types of maize growth period. In general, dry land maize growth status in partially dry year was worse than that under normal year. Precipitation in semi-arid and sandy land area could not meet the demand of dry land maize growth. And precipitation in partially dry year was less than normal year. These reasons made dry land maize growth in partially dry year worse than that under normal year. Dry land maize growth under normal year was better than that under partially wet year. Micro-terrain made the redistribution of precipitation and the cultivated land distributed at low terrain would be in waterlogging in much precipitation condition. So, dry land maize growth under partially wet year was worse than that under normal year. Dry land maize growth under partially dry year was worse than that under partially wet year. Area of cultivated land distributed on high terrain was larger than that on low terrain, and compared with the waterlogging, drought had a more wide effect on dry land maize growth. So, dry land maize growth under partially dry year was worse than that under partially wet year. According to the precipitation types and dry land maize growth status, crop production is unstable in semi-arid and sandy land area. Based on the difference of dry land maize growth under normal year and partially dry year, cultivated land was grouped into 4 types: extremely unstable cultivated land, unstable cultivated land, relatively stable cultivated land, and stable cultivated land. The areas of extremely unstable cultivated land and unstable cultivated land were 68.75 and 33918.75 hm^2 respectively. By this study, the understanding of agricultural production in semi-arid and sandy land area has been deepened. Drainage facilities or water storage facilities should be constructed in low-lying area in semi-arid and sandy land area to avoid the effect of waterlogging on crop growth. Extremely unstable cultivated land and unstable cultivated land should be changed to achieve ecology restoration.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期235-241,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项(201411009) 国家自然科学基金项目(41401626)
关键词 土地利用 作物 降水 生长差异 不稳定耕地 半干旱沙区 科尔沁左翼后旗 land use crops precipitation growth difference unstable cultivated land semi-arid and sandy land area Horqin Left Back Banner
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