

The Exploration of Guangxi’s Letters & Calls Work Performance Appraisal
摘要 信访工作是各级党委政府处理人民群众来信来访、密切与群众联系的一项重要工作,其绩效也是政府绩效的重要组成部分。2015年开始,广西壮族自治区党政机关绩效考评体系将信访工作绩效考评纳入专项考评内容,为推动和促进信访工作落实搭建了绩效平台。本课题通过深入全区各地各有关部门实地调研,在与全区部分设区市和有关部门负责信访工作绩效考评的同志座谈、个别访谈及问卷调查等多种方式广泛调研的基础上,全面分析了近两年来广西壮族自治区信访工作绩效考评取得的成效和存在的问题,就如何通过开展信访工作绩效考评,特别是着重围绕绩效考评指标设置和考评方式等各个方面进行了详尽剖析,就如何既压实责任又能够有效减轻被考评单位负担等方面进行深入探研。在这个过程中,选择4个样本城市对其信访主要数据和信访工作绩效考评指标的相关性进行对比深入分析,以期探寻其中可循规律,指导实践工作的开展。同时,前瞻性评估绩效考评对信访工作的作用及影响,进而提出下一步改进完善广西信访工作绩效考评的思路及对策。 The Letters & Calls work is an important job for governments at all levels to deal with the letters and visits from the people and also keep close with the masses. And its performance is also an important part of government performance. Since 2015, the performance appraisal system of the Party and government organs in Guangxi brought Letters & Calls work performance appraisal into the special appraisal, which has set up a performance platform for promoting the Letters & Calls work. Based on the extensive field research in relevant departments of the whole district, discussions with the comrades who are in charge of Letters & Calls work performance appraisal, individual interviews and questionnaires, this paper analyzes the achievements and existing problems of Guangxi's Letters & Calls work performance appraisal in last two years. Then it analyzes the way to develop Letters & Calls work performance appraisal, especially the index setting and appraisal ways, as well as how to make the assessed departments more responsible & less burdened. In this process, four sample cities has been chosen to conduct comparative analysis on the relevance between their Letters & Calls data and Letters & Calls work performance appraisal indexes, so as to explore the rules and guide the practical work. At the same time, the influence of performance appraisal on Letters & Calls work has been evaluated, and then the thoughts and countermeasures of improving the performance appraisal of Guangxi's Letters & Calls work has been put forward.
出处 《信访与社会矛盾问题研究》 2017年第6期48-62,共15页 Research on Public Complaints and Social Contradictions & Problems
关键词 信访 绩效 考评 Letters &Calls, performance, appraisal
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