本试验在暴发猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)的广东某猪场进行,猪群暴发PRRS后立即封群。为研究猪场PRRS疫情和PRRSV基因型之间的相关性,在母猪饲料中全群添加抑制PRRS的泰万菌素100 mg/kg^200 mg/kg,持续90 d。统计猪场PRRS暴发到平稳期间的临床数据,并用RT-PCR检测的方法检测分娩母猪血清、脐带血、弱残仔猪和保育死淘猪病料。结果显示,猪群PRRS暴发时,存在PRRSV经典毒、高致病性野毒和高致病性疫苗毒3种毒株亚型;猪群PRRS平稳时,猪群只检测到PRRSV疫苗毒株1种亚型。表明猪群感染PRRSV类型越单一,猪群PRRS越平稳。
The study was carried out in a pig farm in Guangdong where PRRS broke out. The pig farm was sealed immediately after the PRRS outbreak. The whole group was feed with tylosin 100 ppm to 200 ppm for 90 days in order to study the relevance be- tween the PRRS and the genotypes of PRRSV. We recorded the statistics of clinical data from PRRSV breakout to recovery. RT - PCR was used to detect virus in serum, umbilical cord blood, sow seed, and weak conservation death swine. The results showed that when PRRS broke out, there were 3 genotypes of PRRSV, while the farm was smooth, there was only one PRRSV strain. The resuhs showed that the less of PRRSV genotype of PRRSV was infected, the more smooth for the pigs.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine