降水资料的准确性对区域和全球的水文、气候研究意义重大。对降水观测误差进行修正是提高降水资料准确性的有效途径。基于新疆地区316个自动气象站2013年夏半年的气温、降水量、风速、相对湿度和气压的小时数据,采用世界气象组织固态降水观测国际合作项目在中国乌鲁木齐河流域进行的一系列观测实验得出的降水观测误差修正方法,在提高降水类型判定精度的基础上,对316个自动气象站观测的降水资料中湿润损失和动力损失进行系统误差分析和修正,主要结论为:(1)湿润损失修正量北疆大于南疆,天山北坡明显高于南坡。(2)动力损失修正量北疆大于南疆,天山北坡大于南坡,天山南坡站点动力损失修正量由北向南逐渐减小。(3)总修正量北疆大于南疆,总修正系数大多介于15.0%~20.0%和20.0%~25.0%。(4)修正后降水量平均值增加了16.96 mm。
As precipitation is one of the most important climatic data,accurate precipitation data plays a very important role on the research of related climate and hydrology in regional and global scale. The precipitation data is mainly from the precipitation observation records of meteorological stations. However,there are many uncertainties in observation records,and these uncertainties mainly come from three aspects: the inhomogeneity of spatial distribution of meteorological stations,the difference of the observation instrument type,method of installation and precipitation observation,and the system errors in the precipitation observation. In above three aspects,correcting the system error in precipitation observation is the feasible and effective way to improve the accuracy of the precipitation data. As the topography and climate types in Xinjiang are complex,the influence of the precipitation observation error on the accuracy of precipitation observation data is particularly prominent. Based on the data of hourly temperature,precipitation,wind speed,relative humidity and air pressure from 316 automatic weather stations,using the error correction method in precipitation observation proposed from a series of observation experiments organized by the World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Measurement Inter Comparison Project at the Urumqi River Basin in China,and on the base of improving the accuracy of judgment method of precipitation types,the precipitation data during the summer half year(from April to October)of 2013 are analyzed and corrected at the aspects of wetting loss and wind-induced loss. Corrections for wetting loss in North Xinjiang are higher than those in South Xinjiang. The corrections for wetting loss in North Xinjiang are higher than those in South Xinjiang,and the corrections in the north slope of Tianshan Mountain are higher than those in the south slope. The corrections for wetting loss in the south slope decrease from north to south. The correction factors for wetting loss mainly range from 4.0% to 8.0% and from 8.0% to 12.0%. Corrections for windinduced loss in North Xinjiang are higher than that in South Xinjiang. Corrections for wind-induced loss in the North Slope of Tianshan Mountain are higher than that in the south slope. Corrections for wind-induced loss in the south slope show a decreasing trend from north to south. The total correction of wetting loss and wind-induced loss in North Xinjiang is higher than that in South Xinjiang. The total correction factors of wetting loss and wind-induced loss do not show obvious spatial change characteristics on the whole,and mainly range from15.0% to 20.0% and from 20.0% to 25.0%. The average value of precipitation increases by 16.96 mm after the correction of wetting loss and wind-induced loss.
Arid Land Geography
summer half year
observation bias