大卫·罗伯茨(David Roberts)是英国一名杰出的陶艺家,也是欧洲,乃至全球在乐烧领域享有盛誉的领军人物之一。对于这门早在16世纪后期以小型器皿为发端的日本烧制技术,大卫·罗伯茨仿佛有着与生俱来的使命感。在过去四十余年的时光里,他用近乎痴迷的状态,
David Roberts is an outstanding ceramist in the United Kingdom and a renowned leader in the Raku Firing field in Europe and even the whole world. He has an innate sense of mission for the Japanese firing technology that was originally used for making small utensils in the 16 th century. In the past forty years, he was in an almost obsessive state, active in the endless exploration of the Raku firing.
Ceramic Studies