
食品营养强化剂化合物使用频次的调查 被引量:5

Investigation on the frequencies of nutrition fortifier compounds in foods
摘要 目的了解市售预包装食品中各营养强化剂化合物的使用情况,为修订我国食品营养强化剂使用标准及完善其配套质量规格标准提供依据。方法使用横断面调查方法,按照GB 14880-2012《食品安全国家标准食品营养强化剂使用标准》食品分类体系,于2016年4月至2016年10月期间随机采集我国市售各类预包装食品样品3 760份(不包括13.0特殊膳食用食品以及12.01盐及代盐制品等),分析其中各强化剂的化合物来源,统计各强化剂化合物的使用频次。结果从3 760份调查样品中分离出强化食品样品489份,所有强化剂化合物的累计使用频次2 689次,在GB 14880-2012附录B及其后续增补公告的133种强化剂化合物中,52.6%(70/133)的化合物使用频次高于1次,但也存在47.4%(63/133)的化合物使用频次为0的情况,进一步分析表明,其中,47.6%(30/63)的化合物没有相应的质量规格标准,52.4%(33/63)的化合物尽管有配套质量规格标准,但可能由于强化成本较高、产品不易保存以及生物利用率较低等因素影响,也很少使用。结论通过调查,初步掌握了我国市售预包装食品中各营养强化剂化合物的使用情况和质量规格标准现状,为GB 14880-2012的修订提供资料支持,对于没有质量规格标准的物质,建议在标准制定时尽快完善,同时也建议在GB 14880-2012修订时进一步评估现有的化合物名单。 Objective To investigate the frequency of nutrition fortifier compounds in pre-packaged foods,and to provide reference for the revision of food fortifier standard and its quality standards in China. Methods Cross-sectional survey was performed between April to October in 2016,according to the food classification system of National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Nutritional Fortifier in Foods( GB 14880-2012). A total of 3 760 samples of pre-packaged foods were collected,special dietary foods,salt and salt products were not included. The sources of the compounds and the frequency of the compounds was statistically analyzed. Results A total of 489 fortified foods were separated from 3 760 survey samples,and the cumulative frequency of these compounds were 2 689 times. These 133 fortifier compounds in appendix B of GB 14880-2012 and its subsequent amendments,52. 6 %( 70/133) of them were used more than once,among which the frequency of calcium and zinc were more than 200 times. In additional,there were 47. 4 %( 63/133) of the compounds were not used,further analysis showed that 47. 6 %( 30/63) of them didn't have the related quality standards. The possible reasons were the cost,storage difficulties and low bioavailability,etc. Conclusion The application of nutrition compounds and its quality standard status were elucidated by this study,and it provided useful information for the revision of GB 14880-2012. For the substance without quality standards,it should be updated as soon as possible. The present compounds list should be reevaluated during GB 14880-2012 revision.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2017年第6期723-729,共7页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 食品安全国家标准制修订项目(spaq-2016-01) 国家食品安全风险评估中心青年基金(2017011)
关键词 营养强化剂 化合物 食品安全标准 调查 预包装 食品 Nutrition fortifier compound food safety standard survey pre-packaged foods
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