
临床药学在线交互教学模式global classroom的构建 被引量:3

Construction of global classroom for online interactive teaching mode of clinical pharmacy
摘要 目的:随着科学技术的进步,临床药学在线远程教育也在逐步发展变化。在线远程教育由一开始依赖于邮政、纸质材料的通信,发展到广播传递,再到目前计算机技术支持下的网络、视频会议等,促进了教学双方的信息更新与交流沟通,本文主要论述新的教学模式——临床药学在线交互教学模式global classroom的构建。方法:本文将从临床药学在线交互教学模式global classroom课程的背景、教学模式构建、具体实施过程、评价与评估体系等方面进行综述,分析优势与不足,以进一步完善网络视频在线交互教学模式的构建。结果:2014-2016年临床药学在线交互教学模式global classroom课程获益学生共计56人次,其中中国学生33人次,美国学生23人次。结论:与美国肯塔基大学药学院合作开展的"临床药学在线交互教学模式global classroom"课程,实现了中美两校学生和老师在同一时间、不同地点、围绕同一个感兴趣的话题在同一课堂进行学习和讨论,搭建了不同国家医学药学在线视频教学的平台,共同探索新型的在线视频教学模式,注重互动与协作,共同研究本地化和全球化的教学模式挑战。 Objective: Along with the progress of technology, online distance education is gradually developing and changing. Online distance education starts from relying on the postal, paper-based materials communications, developing to the broadcast transmission, and then to the current computer technology support network, video conferencing, etc. All the developing had promoted the exchange and update of information and communication between the two sides. This paper mainly discusses the new teaching mode——the construction of classroom global for the online interactive teaching mode of clinical pharmacy. Methods: This article reviewed the course background, teaching mode construction, examination and evaluation system, network course construction, effect evaluation and other aspects, analyses advantages and disadvantages, so as to further improve the construction of online interactive teaching mode. Results: During the year 2014-2016, classroom global of clinical pharmacy online interactive teaching mode courses benefit students a total of 56 people, of which included 33 Chinese students, 23 UK students.Conclusion: In collaboration with the University of Kentucky, global classroom course of clinical pharmacy online interactive teaching mode realized students and teachers from different locations in the same classroom learning and discussion at the same time on a topic of interest. The course set up online teaching mode of medical and pharmaceutical in different countries, exploring new teaching mode and focusing on interaction and collaboration, studying on the teaching mode of common challenges of localization and globalization.
出处 《临床药物治疗杂志》 2017年第11期84-88,共5页 Clinical Medication Journal
基金 中华医学会医学教育分会中国高等教育学会医学教育专业委员会医学教育研究课题A类重点课题<基于网络视频在线交互教学与翻转课堂教学相结合的临床药学教育研究>(2016A-YX001)
关键词 GLOBAL CLASSROOM 临床药学 在线交互教学 global classroom clinical pharmacy online interactive teachingmode
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