

Molecular Identification and Yield Analysis of New High Oleic Acid Peanut Lines
摘要 高油酸花生具有极高的营养和医疗保健价值。籽仁油酸含量≥75%、O/L≥9已成为国内外花生品质育种重要的育种目标。本研究以普通油酸花生品种远杂9847、冀0212-2、白沙1016、海花1号和高油酸花生品系CTWE和GYS01为亲本材料组配杂交组合,经继代选择获得2个F8高油酸新品系G110和G99。AS-PCR分子鉴定结果表明,两个品系的基因型均为ol1ol1ol2ol2。气相色谱测定结果表明,G110油酸含量为82.22%、O/L为34.69,G99油酸含量为82.80%、O/L为36.1。一年两点单因素随机区组试验结果表明,在保定地区G110与冀花2号在0.01和0.05水平上均差异显著,较对照增产30.6%,G99与冀花2号在0.01和0.05水平上均差异不显著。深州地区试验结果表明,G99和G110在0.01和0.05水平上均与冀花2号差异不显著。对G110和G99农艺性状、荚果性状及脂肪酸含量检测结果表明,G110主茎32.3 cm,较对照降低25.4%,侧枝长36.9 cm,百果重218.63 g,百仁重95.82 g,油酸值为82.22%,O/L为34.69,属于直立大果、高产高油酸品系,G99主茎36.1 cm,较对照降低16.6%,侧枝长38.9 cm,百果重191.37 g,百仁重82.35 g,油酸值为82.80%,O/L为33.60,属于直立中果、高产高油酸候选品系。本研究获得的高代高油酸品系丰富了河北省高油酸花生的种质资源,对中国高油酸花生育种工作起到积极的促进作用。 High oleic acid pe anut contains high nutritional and healthy value. Oleic acid content ≥75% and O/L≥9 have become an important quality breeding goals at home and abroad. Normal oleic acid varieties yuanza9847, Ji 0212-2, Baisha 1016, Haihua 1 and high oleic acid peanut lines CTWE and GYS01 were used as parental materials to establish hybridization combinations. New high oleic acid lines G110 and G99 were obtained after eight generations selection, and their ol1 ol1 ol2 ol2 genotype was confirmed by AS-PCR detection. The results of gaschromatography showed that oleic acid content of G110 and G99 was 82.22% and 82.80%, O/L was 34.69 and36.1 respectively. The results of one-year two-point single factor randomized block significant analysis in Baoding showed that the yield of G110 increased 30.6% compared with the control Jihua2, and the difference was significant at 0.01 and 0.05 level. G99 was not different significantly compared with the control at 0.01 and 0.05 level. The results in Shenzhou showed that the difference of G99 and G110 was not different significantly compared with the control at 0.01 and 0.05 level. The results of plant characters, pod traits and fatty acid content of G110 showed that main stem height average is 32.3 cm, 25.4% lower than control, branch length average is 36.9 cm,100 pod weight is 218.63 g, 100 seed weight is 95.82 g, oleic acid content is 82.22%, O/L is 34.69, which belong to big pod, upright plant type, high yield and high oleic acid lines. The results of G99 showed that main stem average high is 36.1 cm, 16.6% lower than the control, branch average length is 38.9 cm, 100 pod weight is 191.37 g, 100 kernel weight is 82.35 g, oleic acid content is 82.80%, O/L is 33.60,which belong to moderate pod, upright plant type, high yield and high oleic acid lines. The high oleic acid peanut lines selected in this research enriched the high oleic peanut resources in Hebei and will play a positive role in high oleic acid peanut breeding in China.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期5085-5092,共8页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 山区特色杂粮轻简化生产关键技术研究与示范(17236405D-6) 河北省高等院校科学技术研究重点项目(ZH2011209) 河北农业大学创新创业训练项目(20160105)共同资助
关键词 花生 高油酸 AS-PCR 基因型 显著分析 Peanut, High oleic acid, AS-PCR, Genotype, Significant analysis
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