
65份谷子品种农艺性状聚类和相关性 被引量:19

Clustering and Correlation of Agronomic Traits in 65 Foxtail Millets
摘要 以来自中国不同生态区65个谷子品种为材料,对其农艺性状进行聚类和相关性分析。结果表明,农艺性状的变异范围为11.66%~49.79%,各农艺性状的变异程度由大到小依次分别为穗毛长短、穗松紧度、单穗粒重、单穗重、千粒重、穗下节间长、穗长、穗粗、株高、节数(叶片数)。单穗粒重与穗长、穗粗、千粒重、单穗重、穗松紧度呈极显著正相关,与穗毛长短呈极显著负相关;用Ward离差平方和聚类分析发现,当欧式距离为35时,65个谷子品种分为5大类群,第一类群16个品种分别来源于华北平原、内蒙古高原、山西省、吉林省、辽宁省朝阳市、赤峰市,它们的穗毛较长,穗粗、单穗重、单穗粒重较低,单株产量低。第二类群10个品种来源于吉林省、山东省、山西省、通辽市、赤峰市,其株高、穗下节间长较低,具有较强的抗倒伏性。第三类群10个品种分别来源于华北平原、东北平原、江苏省、辽宁省朝阳市、山西省长治市、赤峰市,其株高、节数、叶片数较高,单穗重、单穗粒重居中,生物学产量较高,为粮草兼用型。第四类群19份品种分别来源于华北平原、大同市、保定市和张家口、赤峰市、内蒙古农科院,其单穗重、单穗粒重较高、穗紧,穗毛短,可作为高产亲本利用。第五类群10个品种分别来源于东北平原、甘肃省、大同市、张家口、赤峰市,其穗长、千粒重、单穗重、单穗粒重仅较第四类群低,增产潜力大。该结果为优良种植资源筛选和杂交亲本选配提供参考依据。 Based on 65 foxtail millet cultivars from different ecological regions in China, the cluster and correlation of agronomic traits were analyzed. The results showed that the variation range of agronomic traits was11.66%~49.79%. The variation ranges of agronomic traits from big to small were ear hair length, panicle tightness,single ear grain weight, single ear weight, thousand kernel weight, peduncle length, panicle length, ear diameter,plant height, number of nodes and leaves, respectively. The grain weight per spike was significantly positively correlated with panicle length, panicle weight, 1 000 grain weight, single ear weight and panicle tightness, but was significantly negatively correlated with ear hair length. According to the results of cluster analysis, these 65 foxtail millet varieties could be classified into 5 groups with the Euclidean distance was of 35. The first group included 16 varieties that are cultivated in North China Plain, Inner Mongolia Plateau, Shanxi Province, Jilin Province,Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, Chifeng. The average of ear hair length of these varieties was significantly higher than that of other species, and the mean of ear diameter, panicle weight and grain weight per panicle was significantly lower than that of other cultivars. The second group included 10 varieties that are cultivated in Jilin Province, Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, Tongliao, Chifeng. The plant height and peduncle length were lower than that of the other cultivars, have stronger resistance to lodging than that of the others. The third group included 10 cultivars that are cultivated in North China Plain, Northeast Plain, Jiangsu Province, Chaoyang,Liaoning Province, Changzhi, Shanxi Province, Chifeng. The plant height, the number of nodes and leaves and biological yield were higher than that of the other types, single ear weight, single spike grain weight were median,which can be used as food and feed types. The fourth group included 19 cultivars that are cultivated in North China Plain, Datong, Shanxi Province, Baoding and Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The panicle weight, grain weight per spike and panicle tightness were higher than that of other cultivars, the ear hair length was lower than that of others, which can be used in high-yielding parents. The fifth group included 10 cultivars that are cultivated in Northeast Plain, Gansu Province, Datong, Shanxi Province,Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, Chifeng. Their spike length, single ear grain weight, single ear weight and thousand kernel weight were higher than the fourth group, can be used as high-yielding types. The results obtained from this study could provide a basis reference for future screening and crossing parents selection of foxtail millet.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期5178-5188,共11页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31560394) 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2014MS0321)共同资助
关键词 谷子 农艺性状 相关性 聚类分析 Foxtail millet, Agronomic traits, Correlation, Cluster analysis
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