
不同洪水冲击角度下卧式储罐失效问题研究 被引量:1

Study on failure of horizontal storage tank impacted by flood from different angles
摘要 为预防洪水灾害作用下化工园区卧式储罐失效事故,通过理论推导和实证分析,研究不同洪水冲击角度下卧式储罐的失效问题。首先,建立洪水侧向冲击角度下卧式储罐的受力模型;然后,定义洪水侧向冲击角度下卧式储罐易损系数和受冲击的衰减系数;最后,基于受力模型和衰减系数,分析不同洪水冲击角度下储罐型号、装量水平对卧式储罐失效的影响。结果表明:当洪水冲击角度θ从0变到π时,储罐受洪水冲击作用力的衰减系数先增后减,当θ=π/2时为最大;卧式储罐尺寸越大,螺栓受到的冲击作用力越大,储罐越容易失效;卧式储罐装量水平越高,螺栓受到的冲击作用力越小,储罐越安全。 For the sake of preventing horizontal storage tank failure accidents resulting from flood impact in chemical industry parks,theoretical derivation and empirical analysis were carried out to discuss failure of horizontal storage tank impacted by flood from different angles. Firstly,horizontal storage tank failure analysis was accomplished considering flood impacting on the tank with a certain degree,then vulnerability coefficient and attenuation coefficient were defined. Finally,effects of different parameters including tank type,tank level influencing on horizontal storage tank failure under different flood impact angle were analyzed. The results show impact attenuation coefficient increases at first and then decreases when the impact angle θ varies from 0 to π,also,rises to the maximum when θ is π/2,that the larger the tank is,the greater the force on the bolts will be,thus the tank will be more likely to fail,and that the higher the storage level is,the smaller the force on the bolts will be,and the safer the tank will be.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期32-36,共5页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 科技部国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0801501) 2017年首都经济贸易大学中青年教师科研能力提升项目(00891762791111)
关键词 洪水 冲击角度 卧式储罐 易损系数 衰减系数 flood impact angle horizontal cylindrical vessel vulnerability coefficient attenuation coefficient
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