

The Travel Writing of The Middle Passage in Post-colonial Context
摘要 从后殖民语境出发,奈保尔的《重访加勒比》旅行写作具有矛盾性与复杂性。一方面,它深受英国维多利亚时期旅行写作传统的影响,并且具有传统民族志式观察角度,甚至在一定程度上模仿了殖民话语的叙述策略。另一方面,它对加勒比地区殖民地人的"模拟"、缺乏历史感、缺失文化创造等问题的批判构成了奈保尔旅行写作的表述原创性所在。此外,奈保尔的独特文化身份所带来的内外双重视角也赋予他的加勒比旅行写作一定的客观性。 V. S. Naipaul's travel writing of The Middle Passage reveals its complexity and ambivalence in the light of post-colonial context. On one hand, it is greatly influenced by the rhetoric legacy of Victorian travel writing with a viewing angle of traditionally ethnographic authority. And it even, in a certain sense, imitates the narrative strategy of colonial discourse. On the other hand, V. S. Naipaul demonstrated the attempts on originality by observing and "diagnosing" such issues as the lack of achievement and creation, the absence of historical knowledge and the mimicry of the colonial West Indies and the Caribbean. In addition, V. S. Naipaul both as an "insider" and "outsider" provides himself with double perspectives, enabling him to reach objectivity to some extent.
作者 赖丹琪
出处 《浙江海洋大学学报(人文科学版)》 2017年第6期26-31,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humanities Sciences)
关键词 旅行写作 《重访加勒比》 奈保尔 后殖民 民族志 travel writing The Middle Passage V. S. Naipaul Post-colonial Criticism ethnography
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  • 1.《印度》[M].,..
  • 2Timothy F. Weiss, On the Margin, the Art of Exile in V. S. Naipaul, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1992, p. 115, p. 116, p. 115, pp. 115-116.
  • 3奈保尔 李永平译.《幽暗国度》[M].北京三联书店,2003年.第9,5,9,31,196,83,403页.
  • 4Bruce King,“ V.S.Naipaul”, in West Indian Literature, Edited By Bruce King, The Macmilan Press Ltd. ,1979, p. 169.
  • 5Kati Stammwitz , “Turning the Telescope in the Other Direction: Four Interviews with Post - Colonial Travel Writers. Pico lyer,Frank Delaney, Dan Jacobson, and Dervla Murphy,”http : //webdoc. sub. gwdg. de/edoc/ia/eese/artic99/stamm/1- 99. html#ful.
  • 6John L. Brown,“V.S.Naipaul : A Wager on the Triumph of Darkness,” in World Literature Today, Vol.57. No. 2. Spring, 1988, pp. 223-227.
  • 7奈保尔 宋念申译.《印度:受伤的文明》[M].北京三联书店,2003年.第3-5页.
  • 8Ian Bruma,“Signs of Life,”in New York Review of Books, February 14, 1991, pp. 3-5, from Contemporary Literature Criticism,Vol. 105.p.172,p.173,p.173.
  • 9奈保尔 黄道琳译.《印度:百万叛变的今天》[M].北京三联书店,2003年.第552页.









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