
Abuses of Women in Inheritance Across Cultures: An Exploratory Study of Its Prevalence and Religious Panacea

Abuses of Women in Inheritance Across Cultures: An Exploratory Study of Its Prevalence and Religious Panacea
摘要 非洲的社会的家长的性质通常在生活的每个范围在女人上在男人的优势上放强调。当一个女人死时,在很非洲的社会,她的遗产被丈夫,孩子,和她的家庭通常继承。但是如果一个男人死,寡妇,通常经历杀死她的丈夫否认她她的丈夫性质的份额的假控告。这份报纸检验在尼日利亚的文化惯例的动力学怎么支持女人的继承权利的滥用并且讨论把穆斯林继承规则用作女人的继承权利的滥用的一个神圣答案的可能性。研究如下询问:父亲房地产的 womens 权利的性质是什么?寡妇的性质对丈夫房地产什么正确?你关于继承的穆斯林法律的感觉是什么?为这研究的数据用问询表被收集,简单百分比被用于分析。在这个方面,一张问询表予故意地处于拉各斯状态从三个主要部落被选择的 220 个女人被以,尼日利亚。结果显示出那在尼日利亚帮助男性孩子,的各种各样的文化同意男更高的权利到土地和另外的性质并且对女人支持继承权利的滥用。 The patriarchal nature of African society generally lays emphasis on the superiority of men over women in every sphere of life. When a woman dies, in most African societies, her legacy is usually inherited by the husband, children, and her family. But if a man dies, the widow, usually experiences false accusations of killing her husband to deny her share of her husband's properties. This paper examines how the dynamics of cultural practices in Nigeria promotes abuse of inheritance rights of women and discusses the possibilities of using Islamic inheritance rules as a divine solution to the abuse of inheritance rights of women. The research questions as follows: what is the nature of women's rights to father's estate? What is the nature of widow's right to the husband's estate? What is your perception about the Islamic law of inheritance? The data for this study were collected using questionnaire and simple percentage was used for the analysis. In this respect, a questionnaire was administered to 220 women who were purposely selected from the three major tribes in Lagos state, Nigeria. The result showed that various cultures in Nigeria favour male child, grant male higher rights to land and other properties and promote abuse of inheritance rights against women.
出处 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第12期620-630,共11页 中国经济评论(英文版)
关键词 女人 文化 宗教 尼日利亚 穆斯林 房地产 权利 性质 abuses of women, African society, cultural practices, religious panacea, inheritance rights, major tribesin Nigeria
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