用单辊法制备的宽为20 mm,厚为25μm的Fe_(73.5)Co_(0.3)Cu_1Nb_3Si_(14.2)B_8合金带材,绕制成外径为40 mm,内径为25 mm的环型磁芯,再将磁芯进行退火处理。分析了合金带材的晶化行为,研究了退火温度对合金磁芯磁性能的影响。结果表明,淬火态Fe_(73.5)Co_(0.3)Cu_1Nb_3Si_(14.2)B_8合金带材为非晶态,一级起始晶化温度T_(x1)为512.8℃,二级起始晶化温度T_(x2)为671.9℃,当退火温度升高到550℃,在非晶基体中析出Fe(Si)软磁相,形成了非晶和纳米晶双相共存结构。当退火温度低于550℃时,随着退火温度的升高,合金磁芯的初始磁导率μ_i和饱和磁感应强度Bs增大,矫顽力Hc减小;当测试频率f和最大磁感应强度Bm不变时,合金磁芯的有效幅值磁导率μ_a增大,比总损耗Ps和交流矫顽力Hc减小;当测试频率f不变时,合金磁芯的电感Ls和品质因数Q增大。
Cores were coiled with alloy strips Fe73.sCo0.3CulNbaSi14.2B8 with a width of 20 mm and a thickness of 251ara. The cores were annealed. The crystallization behaviors of alloy ribbon are analyzed. The influence of annealing temperature on the magnetic property of alloy cores is investigated. Some results may be gained. The Fey3.sCo0.3CulNbaSi14.2B8 quenching alloy strips is amorphous state. The first level initial crystallization temperature (Txl) is 512.8 ℃ and the second level initial crystallization temperature (Tx2) is 671.9 ℃. When the annealing temperature is at 550℃, the Fe (Si) soft magnetic phase will be precipitated from the amorphous matrix, so, the coexisting structure including amorphous and nanocrystalline phases is formed. When the annealing temperature is lower than 550 ℃, the initial permeability (Pi) and saturation induction density (Bs) of alloy magnetic core increase with increasing annealing temperature, and its coercivity(Hc) decreases. The effective amplitude permeability (ga) of alloy magnetic cores increases, and its special magnetic loss (Ps) and Ac coercive force (He) decrease when the test frequency (t) and maximum magnetic induction are unchanged. The inductance (Ls) and quality factor (Q) increase when the test frequency (f) is the same.
Journal of Jinggangshan University (Natural Science)